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  • Les_Virtual_Golfeurs



My ID is prohibited by the Administrator

This could be for several reasons.

-The first and most prominent reason is that you may have used foul or abusive language within the game. This usually results in a 1 day ban for the first offense, 7 days for the second offense, and so on. Please refer to our support page for further information on the Shot Online policy regarding these matters.

-Your account may have been involved in the fraudulent use of a credit card or Paypal account. If this is the case then it may only be a temporary ban while we investigate the transactions made on your account. However, no time period will be specified as to when this investigation will finish. If you are found to have indeed used a stolen card or deliberately accepted stolen item then your account will be suspended indefinitely and all items will be removed.

-You have been detected as being involved in attacks on the server. This will result in the indefinite removal of your account.

-You have been detected as accessing other people's accounts without permission and a complaint has been sent from the original owner of the account. This will result in your permanent suspension.

-You have made false claims on the Direct Q&A regarding any situation. If you have made false claims for any reason your account will be permanently suspended after a conclusive investigation into your claim.

- if you have been away for a more than 30 days, your account could become archive d- this means it will need to be reactivated. The proces is automated and usually quite fast, but can show the same mesage. In this case, do not worry. Wait few minutes, and try again, and it should be all OK

For further information regarding SO policy on punishment, please refer to our policy section located here
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