If you have forgotten your account information you will be asked for several pieces of information that you used to sign up for your account. Remember that when you created your account you agreed to provide accurate information and that you would update it whenever the information changes. The following information will be required to provide you with specific information on your account:
-First Name
-Last name
-Zip code
-E-mail address
-Phone number
-Date of Birth
-Account ID
-Character(s) on the account, their level(s) and handicap(s)
Once this information is provided and if it is accurate to your sign up information, we will provide detailed support on your account problem. However, if any of the information is incorrect we will not provide support and we will assume that the account is not owned by the poster.
All posts must be made via the direct Q&;A. If you can``t log in to the account you wish to recover information from, please create a new temporary account to message from and include in your message the original account name. Information can be altered after we confirm your account ownership.
Bear in mind that false claims will not be tolerated. Asking for information for an account which is not yours will be followed by a permanent account ban on all accounts associated with your domain/IP.
If your account was suspended for too many failed attempts passwords, please follow the directions for password retrieval that can be found by clicking here
If you have lost or forgotten your password, please follow these steps password changes.
1. Make a new account
2. Send a D Q&A with this information.
- User id:
- First & last name:
- Date of birth:
- Registered email:
- Secret question & answer:
Once the information matches our records, we will generate a new password and reply it back to your email.
If you are having trouble starting the game and receive one of the following messages, please download additional program file at:
Click Here to Download which will fix your problem with the game. Please download the file and copy and paste in your Shot-Online folder (usually it is under "C:\Program Files\ShotOnline International\" ). And then run Shot-Online. It will get started without a problem.
Message 1 cannot find ''. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.
Message 2 Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
Program: C:\Program Files\Shot Online International\ShotOnline.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.