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  • -NoRulz-


  • ★Revolution★


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  • IGS


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  • Les-Demi-Dieux


  • paonpaon888


  • 3-Lions


Here are some solutions to the lastest frequently asked questions!

  • Difference between user id and character name

    The user id is your login name. It is the name you use when you sign into the website and the game.

    The character name is the name of your character you create under your user id. Each user id can have up to 3 characters.

    If you have multiple user ids and would like to purchase an item from the item mall for one of your characters, be sure to use the correct user id that character is associated with.

  • What are my stats and what does each one do?

    Shot-Online uses a stat system in order to upgrade your character's abilities. Each stat influences a different part of your game. There is a total of 4 stats: Power, Impact, Stamina and Skill.

    Power- The amount of physical strength you have. Each power point will increase your carry distance on every club.

    Impact- This is your ball control. Impact adds loft to your clubs and makes them less sensitive to mis-hits as well as making overpower shots more forgiving.

    Stamina- Your resistance and hazard shots performance on the field. The more stamina you have, the less you get fatigued after your shots and the waiting period to decrease your FTG in the Square is shortened. This stat also regulates the power gaps when you hit shots from rough or from bunkers. With a higher stamina stat, the percentage interval is shortened, therefore making your shots (from rough or sand) travel more and be more consistent.

    Skill- Skill determines the amount of spin you can apply to your ball. This will magnify your backspin, fade and draw effects adding more distance and curve to them.

    You distribute your stats the way you want to, in order to build a character that reflects your style of play.

  • Changing password

    If you want to change your password, please follow these steps.

    1. Log into the website with your user id and password.

    2. Click on your "My Account" link which is displayed under your Login ID and CC amount.

    3. Enter your current password for security confirmation.

    4. Click on the "Edit" button and proceed to change your information.

    5. Click on submit to complete the password change process.

    If you are having problems or would like us to change the password for you, please provide us with this information through DQ&A:

    - User id:
    - First & last name:
    - Date of birth:
    - Registered email:
    - Secret question & answer:
    - Desired password:

    Once the information matches our records, we will change your password to your desired password.

  • Steps for Graduation

    Well, the time has come for you to graduate. Unsure of what to do or what is required? We have made a plan for you graduate ready players. This is to help prevent any confusion and guide you along the way of the graduation process.

    Steps to Graduate

    1. Lvl 100  (must have been Semi-Pro for at least 24h)
    2. Speak with NPC Harold

    3. Apply for the Graduation Qualification test

    4. Meet the requirements for the Graduation Qualification test and pass the test
    - Abel Plena: +8 (80 or better)

    5. Apply for the Graduate Selective test (NPC Harold)

    6. Defeat NPC Harold

    7. Speak with NPC Harold

    8. Speak with NPC Anthony Bestra to confirm your graduation

    * You can skip the prerequisite senario quests by using scenario jumping book lv 100.

    (Updated 2023)

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