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GNGWC 2011 North America Preliminary

Date Aug 17, 2011 Views 4,554
Aug 18, 2011 00:00 ~ Aug 25, 2011 23:59
Hello Shot-Online Community, 

We are proud to announce the second online preliminary for GNGWC 2011. The North America online preliminary will be held from Aughst 18th to Aughst 25th. We will set up the tournament on our server and the top 8 players will be eligible to attend GNGWC 2011 regional final in Los Angeles, California.

Preliminary starts on August 18th at 12:00AM (00:00:00) server time.
Preliminary ends on August 25th at 11:59PM (23:59:59) server time

Tournament Courses
Pearl Green Island

Participation Fee
0 NG

8 try counts for each course.
2 submit counts for each course.
You must submit at least 1 scorecard from each course. Best score submitted will be your final score.

Shot time
60 seconds

1. The online preliminary will be held for 8 days. 
2. Apply for tournament participation via NPC [Baxter] in the square and with your highest level character to participate. 
3. Click NPC [Baxter] to confirm the participation in the tournament and receive a score card.
4. After finish the round, decide if you wish to submit your score or not.
5. Participants should finish the playing in both courses, PGI and Gleiger, one time each.
6. There are 8 try counts in each course, and 2 submit counts in each course. Participants should submit a score card for each course.
8. The ranking will be made after combining the result of vallar and hollid server. The best scores out of the total will be declared the winners regardless of server affiliation. 
9. There is no participation fee for this tournament. 
10. The ranking will be decided by adding each best score of 2 submitted score cards. According to the number of dedicated participants, 8 players will be qualified to advance in the regional finals.

Ranking will be decided by combining the best submitted scorecards from both courses.

We only advise players that are in North America AND can attend the regional final to do their best. If you rank high but unable to go, that gives us less time to contact other players ranked lower than you and resulting in late notices.

Regional Finals
Howie's Game Shack in Buena Park, Los Angeles, California.
September 17th, 2011

GNGWC will give all regional participants $100 for coming to the regional finals and OnNet staff from Korea will bring Shot Online souvenirs for our players.

Top 3 players from the 8 participants will attend the Grand Final in Busan, South Korea for a shot at being crowned World Champion of Shot Online.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Shot-Online Team