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Top 32 Round 2

Date Oct 17, 2022 Views 1,309
Oct 17, 2022 00:00 ~ Oct 31, 2022 23:59
Hello Shot Online Community!

The TOP 32 Round 2 is here!

The timeframe is 17 - 31.10.2022

1) Games need to take place in alloted time (Midnight of the day specified in table, server time)

2) Games are stroke mode, PARx2, 60 seconds, NO MULLIGANS. HARD RANDOM course
3) Higher level player makes the room
4) Agreed game time needs to be posted ion discord in top 32 channel. The post will be decisive in case one of players doesn’t show for the game on time. The time need to be SERVER TIME. 
5) Maximum 15-minutes delay is accepted. If player is late more than 15 minutes, win is awarded to player who show on time
6) In case of disconnects disconnected player takes a triple bogey on that hole and game resumes for number of remaining holes.
7) After game screenshot of the score should be  posted on discord

8) If players cannot agree on time due to timezone/RL issues a solo game may be played in presence of a SOM. Both players play a solo game, ( first player plays RANDOM HARD, and other players plays on course selected. BOTH players need to agree to this arrangement. Please note that there is no guarantee of similar weather conditions) (Scores without SOM observer are invalid)
9) You can request an observer/refree to be present during the game. Please note that in your forum post.

10) In case of tie  - lower level player wins, In SEMI FINAL and FINAL additional Closer to the pin hole is played
11) All round 3 ( Quarter-finals), Semi finals and Final needs a referee. Referee needs to be accepted by both players. Please ask SOMs for help. Slamshots are not allowed and trying to use one will be punished by 2 stroke penalty on referee discretion. 

A note: to recieve any reward, you need to show for at least one game, or show that you tried to arrange one.Not showing/not responding to attempts to aggange a game will result in invalidating whole participation.

The top 16 that qualified to round 2 are as follow: