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GNGWC 2012 EU Preliminary

Date Jun 21, 2012 Views 6,798
Jun 25, 2012 19:00 ~ Jul 01, 2012 23:59
Hello Shot-Online Community, 

Here is the information regarding the European GNGWC Preliminaries that is coming up on Monday June 25th, 2012. This Preliminary is only for the players that are physically able to travel to the European Regional Finals in Colgne, Germany which is on Sunday Aug 19th, 2012. If you cannot make the trip to the Regional Final in Germany in person, then we ask that you do not take part in this Preliminary. 

Preliminaries Testing Information:

Start: Monday 6/25/12 @ 7:00 PM server time

End: Sunday 7/01/12 @ 11:59 PM server time

Location: Global Tournament Server

Requirement: Must be level 61+ and have a title of 'Semi-Pro' or higher. (You will be able to register a character even if you do not meet the requirement, however, you will not be allowed to participate in the Regional Finals.)

Courses: Rufus Arena and Gleiger

Game Mode: standard mode

Time Limit per Shot: 45 Seconds

Game Type: Stroke

Number of Attempts: 100 Attempts per Course

Note: There is a time limit for each shot of 45 seconds, after 45 seconds the shot will count as a bad shot.

Note: The total score combined from these two courses will be used to determine your placement.

Chosen Representatives:
There will be 2 representatives chosen through this European Preliminary to go on to the European Regional Final. The top 2 in this European Preliminary will be the 2 chosen to go to the European Regional Final. 

Note: we will be asking for personal, contact, and other information from the top 2 to be sent in. During this time please let us know if you cannot make the Regional Final as the players that were 3rd, 4th, etc. will be next in line to take the place of any of the top 2 that could not physically attend. 

Also note that the representatives will be chosen with both Hollid and Vallar put together, meaning all the scores will be combined and only 2 still will be chosen. 

The Settings on the Tournament Server

Character Stats
All players will have a Level 102 character with the base stats set to 1.
Players will have 200 stat points to spend on whichever stat they desire to increase.

(Camila and Albus are set as the same)

Available Clubs

Players will be able to use any of the available clubs.
Below is the list of the available clubs in the EU preliminary.

(No other clubs will be available for the EU preliminary)

Tempest G Gold Driver H Hurricane G Gold Driver H Tornado G Gold Driver H
Tempest G Gold 3 W H  Hurricane G Gold 3 W H  Tornado G Gold 3 W H
Tempest G Gold 5 W H Hurricane G Gold 5 W H Tornado G Gold 5 W H
Tempest G Gold Iron Set H Hurricane G Gold Iron Set H Tornado G Gold Iron Set H
Tempest G Gold AW H Hurricane G Gold AW H Tornado G Gold AW H
Tempest G Gold PW H Hurricane G Gold PW H Tornado G Gold PW H
Tempest G Gold SW H Hurricane G Gold SW H Tornado G Gold SW H
Tempest G Gold Putter H Hurricane G Gold Putter H Tornado G Gold Putter H
Available Clothes/Ball/Others


UV Hiemal PK / IK / KP 

UV Tidy PK / IK / KP

UV Gorgeous IK / PI

UV Fashionable IK / PI 

(Stat +5 Exchange Ticket)


Color Ball 4PC (+2 Stat) 
Note: All colors of the Color Balls will be available. 


Fedora A 100 Plus

WARNING: This item can ONLY be used ONCE.

How to Register a Character:

Step 1. Log-in to the Global Game Server normally as you always do.

Step 2. Click the 'Go to Tournament Server' on the server selection screen. (Located top left of your screen)

Step 3. Click the 'Register' button and pick the server / character you want to participate in GNGWC with.
(You will only be able to register with 1 character, PLEASE CHOOSE WISELY)

You've successfully registered to GNGWC EU Preliminary! 

How to Purchase Items:

All players will be given 1,000,000 NG when they register a character on the Tournament Server.

You can purchase any of the items listed above by talking to NPC Munnin and Huggin.
Each item will cost 1,000 NG.

Please note that there are couple of menus on these NPCs that are either empty or not functioning.
This is intended so please do not worry about these menus.

Drink Shop - Empty
Tournament Item Shop - Not functioning

How to Start/Register for the GNGWC 2012 EU Preliminary:

Step 1. Click either NPC Munnin or Huggin. 

Step 2. Click 'See the GNGWC 2012 European Preliminary - (Course Name) Information'.

Step 3. Click 'GNGWC 2012 European Preliminary - (Course Name) Register'.

Step 4. Click 'Start the GNGWC 2012 European Preliminary - (Course Name) Round', to start your preliminary.

Step 5. Once you are done with the rounding, you will be asked to either submit or discard your score-card.

How are the winners determined?

The winners will be determined by the combined score of your 2 best score-cards from each course.
If 2 players get the same score, the player who submitted their score-cards FIRST, will be considered to be the winner.
Note: no experience will be gained through this Preliminary.

Again this is the European Preliminary, and is only intended for players that are able to physically travel to the Regional Finals in Colgne, Germany between August  19th. If you cannot make it to the Regional Final in person, then we ask that you do not take part in this Preliminary. 
*Exact date of the Reginal Finals not finalized. We will update this post once it's finalized.

Good Luck to all the European Participants. 

Shot-Online Team