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Shot Online Guild Tournament!

Date Jan 18, 2013 Views 8,814
Jan 26, 2013 00:00 ~ Jan 30, 2013 22:59
Hello Shot Online Community!

It pleases us to annouce to the Shot Online Community that we will be holding a 
Guild Tournament!

This guild tournament will allow guilds to compete against each other
to see which guild can be the best guild when it comes to Shot Online!

We will be placing 5 guild tournament tickets 
in the Guild Master's account for every single guild
after the maintenance on 1/22/13. 

The Tournament ticket icon will look like the one below:


The Guild Master is responsible to distribute the tickets to 5 members of the guild.
The Guild Master may be one of the 5 players.

Each player can try 5 times, but must submit only one scorecard.
The lowest total score of the 5 submitted cards will determine the winner.

The tickets must be used only by 5 players.
They must not be transferred to other players after the ticket has been used for the first attempt.
Players will go to Baxter to enter the tournament and start tournament rounds.

Tiebreaker Rule:

1.  In the case of a tie, we will use the very last score card
that was submitted from the last player to determine the winner.

2. If a second tiebreaker is needed,
we will determine the winner by the latest submission date of the last player.

Which NPC to see
NPC Baxter

45 seconds

Swing Mode:
Normal (Multi-Click)


- Fee 5,000,000 NG (per player)
- A minimum of 4 players are allowed to compete but 5 different score cards will be used
(If there are only 4 competing, the 5th score card will have a score of 100)

1. If a Guild sends more than 5 players to compete (e.g. 6+), they will be automatically disqualified.

2. Only two accounts per IP address will be allowed

3. Any Guild found violating any of these rules or cheats will be disqualified.

4. All entrants must have been members of their guild on or before Jan 1, 2013.
Entrants must have been in the guild by this date to compete.
Creating a new guild just to compete will not be allowed.


Song Gia Golf Course


We will be introducing two new items which are :
G.H.P Waiting Time Reset Coupon
G.H.P. Coupon I

 G.H.P Waiting Time Reset Coupon Item Descriptio
A coupon which resets the cooldown time to initialize the next GHP benefit!

G.H.P. Coupon I 
A coupon increasing 1 GHP

1st Place

500,000,000 NG
50x Elgin Marbles (10)
50x Odlelile I (100 hole)
5x G.H.P. Waiting Time Reset Coupon
G.H.P Coupon I

2nd Place

300,000,000 NG
30x Elgin Marbles (10)
30x Odlelile I (100 hole)
3x G.H.P. Waiting Time Reset Coupon
G.H.P Coupon I

3rd Place

150,000,000 NG
15x Elgin Marbles (10)
15x Odlelile I (100 hole)
G.H.P Coupon I

*The tournament will be divided so a total of 6 prizes will be given out between both servers.*

Tournament Time:
Start: 1/26/13 12:00 A.M. (00:00 server time)
1/30/13 11:59 P.M. (23:59 server time)

We used to hold this in the past and now we are trying the guild tournament system out again. 
If this tournament works well, we will decide to hold it more frequently.
Please let us know of any suggestion through the DQ&A board.

Thank you!

Shot Online Team