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Shot Online's Blazing Summer Tournament!

Date Jul 11, 2013 Views 6,178
Jul 12, 2013 00:00 ~ Jul 15, 2013 23:59
Hello Shot Online Community!

For this upcoming weekend,
in celebration over the start of 2013 British Open Tournament,
we will be holding our own version of the tournament for our players as well!

We welcome players to join us in the
Blazing Summer Tournament!

The Blazing Summer Tournament,
which is very similar to the U.S. Open Tournament,
takes over the course of 4 days where players compete
to make their best attempts at completing 4 courses.

Once the tournament ends,
we will combine all 4 of participant's scorecards 
and get a Total Score for him/her.

The participant with the lowest Total Score will be the winner.

Please check below for more details!

**Shot Online's Blazing Summer Tournament!**

Tournament Period:
Start: 07/12/2013 00:00:00 Server Time (PST)
End: 07/15/2013 23:59:59 Server Time (PST)

Tournament Requirements:
* All players
* Must be level 41 or higher
* One account per person, one character per account, highest level character only
* One winning account/character per person only

Tournament Info:
The Blazing Summer Tournament will be separated into 4 groups.

Interested in participating?
Talk to Baxter (NPC) in the square and follow his instructions to participate.

- Group 1 -
Level: 41-60


Day 1 (7/12/13): Volcano
Day 2 (7/13/13): Gladsheim
Day 3 (7/14/13): Hela
Day 4 (7/15/13): Forneus

Game Mode:Mastery Mode

Swing Mode: 1 Click Shot

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 2 times.

Submissions: Players must submit 1 scorecard.

The three scorecards submitted will be added as the final score.

Price per try: 200,000 NG
Time: 60 seconds

- Group 2 - 
Level: 61-80


Day 1 (7/12/13): Volcano
Day 2 (7/13/13): Gladsheim
Day 3 (7/14/13): Hela
Day 4 (7/15/13): Forneus

Game Mode:Mastery Mode

Swing Mode: 1 Click Shot

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 2 times.

Submissions: Players must submit 1 scorecard.

The three scorecards submitted will be added as the final score.

Price per try: 700,000 NG
Time: 60 seconds

- Group 3 - 
Level: 81-100


Day 1 (7/12/13): Cadeiger
Day 2 (7/13/13): Abel Plena
Day 3 (7/14/13): Pearl Green Island (PGI)
Day 4 (7/15/13): CT Park Royal

Game Mode:Mastery Mode

Swing Mode: 1 Click Shot

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 2 times.

Submissions: Players must submit 1 scorecard.

The three scorecards submitted will be added as the final score.

Price per try: 2,000,000 NG
Time: 60 seconds

- Group 4 - 
Level: 101+


Day 1 (7/12/13): Cadeiger
Day 2 (7/13/13): Abel Plena
Day 3 (7/14/13): Pearl Green Island (PGI)
Day 4 (7/15/13): CT Park Royal

Game Mode:Mastery Mode

Swing Mode: 1 Click Shot

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 2 times.

Submissions: Players must submit 1 scorecard.

The three scorecards submitted will be added as the final score.

Price per try: 3,000,000 NG
Time: 60 seconds

·          Tiebreaker: The winner will be determined by the first scorecard submission date.
If there is a tie again, we will base it off of the next score card submission date.

For Example:
Player 1 submits scorecards of 46+52+50+50
Player 2 submits scorecards of 53+52+47+50
Player 1 will win with the Total Score of 198.

**As disconnections occur for various reasons, Shot Online is not responsible for connection issues during the tournament and will not compensate for them**

>> Prizes!! << 

  1st Place 2nd Place 3rd~5th Place
Group 1
(Level 41-60)
4000 CC 2000 CC 1000 CC
4x Prometheus Ball 4PC [20%] 100 3x Prometheus Ball 4PC [20%] 100 2x Prometheus Ball 4PC [20%] 100
4x Zodiac Plus 100 3x Zodiac Plus 100 2x Zodiac Plus 100
4x Mageia Plus N4.5 100 3x Mageia Plus N4.5 100 2x Mageia Plus N4.5 100
4x Goeteia Plus 4 100 3x Goeteia Plus 4 100 2x Goeteia Plus 4 100
Group 2
(Level 61-80)
5000 CC 3000 CC 2000 CC
4x Prometheus Ball 4PC [20%] 100 3x Prometheus Ball 4PC [20%] 100 2x Prometheus Ball 4PC [20%] 100
4x Zodiac Plus 100 3x Zodiac Plus 100 2x Zodiac Plus 100
4x Mageia Plus N4.5 100 3x Mageia Plus N4.5 100 2x Mageia Plus N4.5 100
4x Goeteia Plus 4 100 3x Goeteia Plus 4 100 2x Goeteia Plus 4 100
Group 3
(Level 81-100)
6000 CC 3000 CC 3000 CC
5x Atlas ball 4PC [25%] 100 3x Atlas ball 4PC [25%] 100 2x Atlas ball 4PC [25%] 100
5x Zodiac Plus 100 3x Zodiac Plus 100 2x Zodiac Plus 100
5x Mageia plus N5 100 3x Mageia plus N5 100 2x Mageia plus N5 100
5x Goeteia Plus 5 100 3x Goeteia Plus 5 100 2x Goeteia Plus 5 100
Group 4
(Level 101+)
7000 CC 6000 CC 4000 CC
5x Atlas ball 4PC [25%] 100 4x Atlas ball 4PC [25%] 100 3x Atlas ball 4PC [25%] 100
5x Zodiac Plus 100 4x Zodiac Plus 100 3x Zodiac Plus 100
5x Mageia plus N5 100 4x Mageia plus N5 100 3x Mageia plus N5 100
5x Goeteia Plus 5 100 4x Goeteia Plus 5 100 3x Goeteia Plus 5 100

*All prizes above are trade-able

Even through you didn't place, you still win anyways!

If you finish all 4 courses as Group 1 / 2, you will receive:
Swing Trainer 2 K [10%], Event Ball Marker (5) -- NON-TRADEABLE

If you finish all 4 courses as Group 3 / 4, you will receive - 
Swing Trainer 3 K [10%], Event Ball Marker (10) -- NON-TRADEABLE

We hope everyone enjoys and we wish good luck to all participants!


Shot Online Team