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December Gold Invitational Tournament!

Date Nov 28, 2012 Views 7,453
Nov 30, 2012 00:00 ~ Dec 03, 2012 23:59
Hello Shot Online Community!
Come join us as we host the amazing December Gold Membership Invitational Tournament!
For those unfamiliar with this event, this is a fun monthly tournament that we
host for players that own Gold Plus or higher memberships.

Winners of the tournament can receive from 1000 to 5000 CC!yes
Interested in participating?
Talk to Baxter (NPC) in the square and follow his instructions to
start the tournament.

Tournament Period:

Start: 11/30/2012 00:00:00 Server Time (PST)
End: 12/03/2012 23:59:59 Server Time (PST)

Tournament Requirements:

* Must be a Gold Plus or Platinum Member
* Must be level 41 or higher
* One account per person, one character per account, highest level character only
* One winning account/character per person only

Tournament Info:
Gold Invitational will be separated into 4 groups:

Group 1
Levels: 41-60

Course: Forneus

Game Mode:Stroke

Swing Mode: Normal (Multi-Click)

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 10times.

Players must submit 3 scorecards.

The best score submitted will be your final score.

Price per try: 100,000 NG

Time:60 seconds

Group 2
Levels: 61-80

Course: Hela

Game Mode:Stroke

Swing Mode: Normal (Multi-Click)

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 10times.

Players must submit 3 scorecards.

The best score submitted will be your final score.

Price per try: 500,000 NG

Time:60 seconds

Group 3
Levels: 81-100

Course: Rufus Arena

Game Mode:Stroke

Swing Mode: Normal (Multi-Click)

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 10times.

Players must submit 3 scorecards.

The best score submitted will be your final score.

Price per try: 1,000,000 NG


Group 4
Levels: 101+

Course: CT Park Royal

Game Mode: Stroke

Swing Mode: Normal (Multi-Click)

Tries: You can participate in this tournament 10times.

Players must submit 3 scorecards.

The best score submitted will be your final score.

Price per try: 2,000,000 NG

Time: 60seconds

mail Tiebreaker: Lower handicap/First Card Submitted
(if the handicap is the same then the tie goes to the first submission)



Group 1:
Level 41-60
1st: 5000 cc
2nd: 2500 cc
3rd: 1000cc

Group 2:
Level 61-80
1st: 5000 cc
2nd: 2500 cc
3rd- 5th: 1000 cc

Group 3:
Level 81-100
1st: 5000 cc
2nd: 2500 cc
3rd – 5th:1000 cc

Group 4:
Level 101+
1st: 5000 cc
2nd: 2500 cc
3rd- 5th: 1000 cc

Additonal Prize!!

We will be introducing a brand new item called the HIO Challenge Ticket I !

From past gold invitationals, we have noticed that there were certain players that did not submit three scorecards so
we decided to add an incentive!

Players that submit three scorecards will be getting a non-tradeable HIO Challenge Ticket with a durability of 10!

How do players use the HIO Challenge Ticket?

Basically, players can activate the HIO Challenge Ticket on Par 3 holes and when they achieve a hole-in-one,
they will be receiving additional exp points for that particular Par 3 hole!!

When players approach a Par 3 hole, they will notice a Hole In One Challenge Button appearing exactly like the image below~!

When you click the Hole In One Challenge Button,
it will make a distinguishable sound so that players will know that it has been activated.
It will also have a Challenger mark next to the character profile in game.

Once used, the ticket will be removed from your inventory from the top to bottom and
Players will have to have the HIO Challenge Ticket in their inventory
for it to be activated while rounding!

When a player successfully makes a Hole-In-One in a Par 3 hole, they will be receiving 3X exp points for that particular hole!

We will be distributing the HIO prizes during the time we move servers on December 5th!

** As disconnections occur for various reasons, Shot Online is not responsible for connection issues during the tournament and will not compensate for them.
If you have additional concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us through DQA.

Good luck to all the participants! We hope enjoy your time during the competition! smiley

Shot Online Team

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