Dear Shot Online Community,
The scheduled server maintenance is now over
Here is a full list of changes:
New Quests:
- Becoming World Pro III - 2 - LVL 179, Anthony Bestra
- The Way to Glory IV - LVL 190, Anthony Bestra (upgrade World Mentor)
- Path of Honor - LVL 201, Anthony Bestra (Upgrade World Mentor and Odelia)
Changed Quest Reward:
- The Honorable Title: Honor Pro - it now grants the Honor Pro ball (50%)
Quantity Selection and new shop UI
You can now buy multiple items in a single purchase. Please note that Memberships are excluded from this and you can generally only buy a maximum of 10 items at once, anything above that will result in an error. This is because multiple items arrive in your Virtual Locker as one stack (similar to our "Buy 5" or "Buy 10" boxes), so we limited the amount of items you can buy at once to 10 in order to prevent players from buying more boxes than their inventory can hold at once.
Our Webshop got some fresh paint work!
Match League changes
With the maintenance we got some improvements to the (internal) setup of match league, and we can expand the existing system a little.
You can vote on changes here. You can check previous vote here
New Reinforced Transfer ticket
Clelic now has a new menu:
It allows to transfer both G1 and G2 at same time with the new Reinforced Club Transfer Ticket (G2).
This new ticket will be available through our sales offers later on.
ALT key is back!
In Settings you can select if you want to use ALT or not!
The help menu was updated accordingly depending on the chosen setting.
New Special Premium system
The free 30-Day trial of the Deluxe status has now run out for everyone, and we’re analysing the data we’ve collected now. We estimate to finally release the Deluxe and Luxury status in our shop within the next two weeks, so stay tuned for more news later!
Minor Changes
- Winter is here! Winter loading screen and square theme were activated.
- Various small bug fixes were applied
Happy golfing!
Shot Online Team