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September Event Plan

Date Sep 04, 2018 Views 8,164

Hello Shot Online Community!

September is our  Anniversary month!

Join us for almost 4 weeks of celebrations, missions and rewards!

Click the picture to see full size.

Here is the plan in Google Calendar Format:

Note: The calendar will show the current month depending on the date set on your PC.

You can also use QR code to access calendar on mobile device:


This month, SOWC starts on September 3rd, and ends after three weeks. After those three weeks, there will be a break.

Birdies or Bust/Eagles or Else

Twice a week collaboration event.
Every Monday & Thursday through out the month ☞ 11:00AM ~ 12:00AM & 15:00PM ~ 16:00PM
Collaboration events are supposed to be a challenge, and as we noted, you'd be able reach them easily with much time to spare, we decided to raise the bar!

Birdies or Bust:
Vallar Server : Achieve 1500 Birdies in an Hour to receive 1HR of 3.0x EXP 
Hollid Server : Achieve 99 Birdies in an Hour to receive 1HR of 3.0x EXP

Eagles or Else:
Vallar Server : Achieve 599 Eagles in an Hour to receive 1HR of 3.5x EXP 
Hollid Server : Achieve 59 Eagles in an Hour to receive 1HR of 3.5x EXP 

'* When the stated above numbers are not achieved, the users will still gain 1.2x EXP for 1HR


ShotOn Monday

Every Monday throughout the month .

Score 9 birdies for a nice prize. During events there will be more rewards after 18 and 32 birdies!

Midweek Workout

Midweek 150% EXP boost. Chance to do some practice with slight experience increase.


Shot Online's 13th anniversary celebrations are here! Stay tuned for more info on our main website!

Match League:

Season 48 will end on Sunday 30th September.