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[Update] New Event : Relay Match

Date Nov 26, 2024 Views 726
Hello SOmmunity

We are pleased to announce our new Event : Relay Mode Match
Please check below for more details.

 New Event : Relay Mode Match
- Relay Mode Match is an event that can compete for rankings in relay mode by forming a team or randomly teaming up.
- The rewards, team formation method and other match details can change with each match

1. Addition of Relay Mode Match Board
- The Special Happy Course Board has been changed to Relay Mode Match Board.PC 게임, 스크린샷, 비디오 게임 소프트웨어, 3D 모델링이(가) 표시된 사진자동 생성된 설명
※ Special Happy course info can be checked through the board on the south side of the central square.

2. How to Participate in Relay Mode Match
1) Relay Match Info.
- The remaining time, current accumulated prize money, match status and current course info can be checked by clicking the bulletin on the channel where the match is taking place.
- Pre – formed Team Mode : Can start rounding by clicking the [Participate] button after confirming the team.
- Random Team Mode : Can start rounding without gathering team members.
- The accumulated prize money status is displayed by the sum of the prize money excluding the commission fee.
텍스트, 스크린샷, 멀티미디어 소프트웨어, 소프트웨어이(가) 표시된 사진자동 생성된 설명

2) Relay Match Ranking Info
- Overall ranking, Course ranking and ranking rewards can be checked.
- Team member and registered date of ranking can be checked by hovering on the team that is registered within the ranking.
- Rankings are updated in real-time and if there are duplicate rankings, they will be sorted in the order of earliest registration.
텍스트, 스크린샷, 소프트웨어, 멀티미디어 소프트웨어이(가) 표시된 사진자동 생성된 설명
※ Accumulated prize money will be distributed according to rank excluding commission fee.
※ The commission fee can change for each relay mode match.
※ Score info for each course can be checked through course ranking.
※ Course ranking tab is disabled if the relay match is held in random team mode.

※ Rules
> Pre – formed Team Mode
- The sum of scores for the courses that each team member submitted is displayed in the overall ranking.
- If there is a course without any score submitted, the team rank priority will be pushed down.
e.g.) -5 under par from 4 courses is prioritized over -10 under par from 3 courses.

> Random Team Mode
- Team master is displayed randomly.
- Team members can be changed each round and all scores and rankings of each member that have been submitted are displayed.
- If all four members have duplicate rankings, only the best score will be registered.
-  If even one team member is changed, it will be registered as a new ranking.
- If there are duplicate rankings, rewards will only be given once for the best score.

> Common Rule
- If one participant leaves during the rounding, a penalty of +1 will be applied for a 9 hole round and a penalty of +2 for an 18 hole round.
- If more than two participants leave during the rounding, the round will end.

※ The entry fee will not be refunded if the round ends due to the exit of team members.

3) Create Relay Match Team (Pre-formed Team Mode)
- The [Create Relay Team] menu is activated when the relay match is in pre-formed mode.
텍스트, 스크린샷, 소프트웨어, 멀티미디어 소프트웨어이(가) 표시된 사진자동 생성된 설명
* [Create Relay Team] menu is disabled when match is in random team mode.

- Team master can invite 3 members to play the relay match together when creating a team.
- Only the players in the square of the same channel can be invited and invitations can only be sent to friends or guild members.
- Team master can disband teams by clicking the [X] button next to the character info before team confirmation.
- After gathering 4 team members, click the [Confirm Relay Team] button to confirm the team to participate in the relay mode match.
- Pre - formed team mode can participate with three or more team members after team confirmation, but penalties will be applied according to the rules if it is not a four-person rounding.

※ The team members who receive a relay match invitation may accept or decline.
※ Team members can leave the team before team confirmation.
※ By clicking the [Confirm Relay Team] button, a confirmation message is displayed to all members and if even one member refuses, the team creation will be canceled.
※ Please note that team members cannot be changed after team confirmation.

- Once the Team Leader clickes the [Join] button to participate in the match, the other 3 team members will receive a participation pop up.
- If all members click on the [Yes] button, the round will start.

※ If more than 1 member declines, the round will not start.

We hope you like our new event : Relay Mode Match !
Your Shot Online Team