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2005 Shot-Online Memorial Tournament

Date May 27, 2005 Views 6,452
Hello, SO Members!!

Finally, 2005 Shot-Online Memorial Tournament will be started at tomorrow.
Anybody can be the winner!!
Challenge the winner!!

1. Title of the Tournament ? Shot-Online Memorial Tournament
2. Tournament Period ? 2005.05.27 19:00 (CST) ~ 2005.05.31 19:00 (CST)
3. Result Announcement ? 2005.06.03 20:00 (CST)
4. Notification & Distribution ? After 2005.06.07
5. Qualification ? All Shot-Online Members, The highest level character per each ID
(duplicated account participants will NOT BE TOLERATED)
6. Rounding Method ? Gladsheim / 18hole strokes play
* Award prize to the 1st & 2nd winner for each level(Lv1~15, Lv16~30 and over Lv31), 3 Medalists for each level, 10 Lucky Awards - Ranks will be determined by the scores of 1 score cards.
* Players have 20 chances for rounding and score card must be registered to system,
players must submit 1 score card.
7. Compute Ranking System : New-Peria Method
(Shot-Online Tournament system has been adjusted and it can be change again later)
1> After kick off of the tournament, 12 holes are randomly selected. 2> Sum up each Players’ 12 hole strokes, multiply 1.5 and subtract by 18hole strokes (72)
3> 80% of 2> Result is the HDCP
4> Lowest Handicap Players will win

Ex) Player A has 48 strokes of 12 holes
HDCP of A = {[48 x 1.5]-72} x 0.8 = 0
8. Tie Breaker
1st Priority ? More playing time during the Tournament (Login time in the game)
2nd Priority ? Higher Level of player
9. How to Join?
Period - Starts from 2005.05.27 19:00 (CST)
Click the NPC (Ceridwen) who is tournament guide in the game.
10. Green Fee is Free
11. Prizes
The winner of Over Lv 31 : SONY PSP & Blue driver, putter set
The winner of Lv 16 ~ 30 : Apple iPod shuffle & Gold driver, putter set
The winner of Lv 1 ~ 15 : Philips DVD Player & +2 Stamina jacket

The 2nd Place of Over Lv 31 : Blue driver
The 2nd Place of Lv 16 ~ 30 : Gold driver
The 2nd Place of Lv 1 ~ 15 : 300,000 NG

The Medalist of Over Lv 31 : 500,000 NG
The Medalist of Lv 16 ~ 30 : 300,000 NG
The Medalist of Lv 1 ~ 15 : 200,000 NG

10 Players of Lucky awards : 100,000 NG

* All prizes will be awarded matched with awarded character's title

12. How to Start?
1. Click the NPC (Ceridwen) who is tournament guide in the game and sign up for the tournament.
2. Click the NPC (Ceridwen) again, and confirm that you signed up.
You should be given score card at this point.
3. When you finish a round, you have a choice to submit the score card or not to submit.
4. One score card is only good for one round.
You can have 20 score cards at most, and you must submit at least 1 score card.