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Detailed description of Shot-Online Season2

Date Jun 21, 2005 Views 8,366
Hello, SO Members!

We give a minute description of Shot-Online season2.
Please check below subjects.

1. The list & attribute of Charged items

Anemos 2PC 2PC, Power +1, Impact +1, 100Pcs 1Box
Anemos 3PC 3PC, Power +1, Impact +1, 100Pcs 1Box
Mageia I Receive double experience for 100 holes
Mageia II Receive double experience for 250 holes
Mopsos I Fatigue doesn't build up for 100 holes
Mopsos II Fatigue doesn't build up for 250 holes
Haoma I Put 1 value of each ability(power, impact, stamina,
skill) back in initial status
Haoma II Put 2 values of each ability (power, impact, stamina,
skill) back in initial status
Fedora A100 Initialize all ability
Cyma I Receive triple NG for 100 holes
Cyma II Receive triple NG for 250 holes

Gold Membership (1 month)
- Receive 50% discount on Greens fee of the person oneself
- 30% discount on item's price in game.(Not paid item)
- Locker fee is free.
- Trade(between users) fee is free
- Receive one Mageia I
- Receive one cyma II

Gold Plus Membership (1 month)
- Greens fee is free & Receive 50% discount on compainon's greens fee
- 30% discount on item's price in game.(Not paid item)
- Locker fee is free
- Trade (between users) fee is free
- Receive 1,000,000 NG
- Receive one Mageia II
- Receive one Cyma II

2. Green fee & experience points has been adjusted

: There has been a slight change in green fee and experience points according to difficulty of the course with updates of new golf course.

: Difficulty of the courses (easy to hard)
Alfheim -> Midus Valley, Namchon CC -> Fensair -> Gladsheim -> Hela, Forneus -> Rufus Arena

3. Individual trading will be charged.
When you trade items or NG with other players, 5% of total amount of the items or NG (trading value) will be deducted. However, even if the charging fee is less than 1,000NG in some occasion, 1,000NG will be charged.

4. When you draw out items or NG from the locker, withdrawal fee will be charged.

: There will not be any fees when you deposit items or NG in the locker.
However, when you draw out items or NG from your locker, 10% will be deducted from original price of items or total amount of withdrawing NG. However, even if the charging fee is less than 1,000NG in some occasion, 1,000NG will be charged.

5. Durability System

When you enter the field (Beginner, Intermediate and Real course), you must have driver, iron sets, wedge sets and putter. The durability system will be implemented in the game. Thus, for example, after you finish a round, golf ball will disappear as golf ball? durability drops to zero. And you will see the following information window.

When you see the information window as above, select [window (Alt+P)] and check the vacant slot. More detail is as follow.

? You need to select Menu bar on your screen or select [Alt+P] and open up the window by [Status Window (Alt+P)].
? Check on vacant slot and see which item is missing. The image below shows that there is no golf ball in your possession.

? In [Status Window], you can confirm that golf ball slot is empty. You need to buy a new golf ball and put it in the empty slot. You can purchase golf balls at [Preya NPC] in the score with NG(cyber money).
(* NPC, Non-Player Character; providing services in the game with specific job to help out gamers in the game.)
? Location of [Freya NPC] is as follow.

? Let? move to the item shop to purchase golf balls at [Item shop (Freya NPC)]
Place the indicator (left mouse button) where you wish to move your character (?) and also you can choose option by select [walk/run (Alt+R)].
Use [Square Mini map] to check the location of your character (?)
? [Item Shop] window will open when you click on [Freya NPC]. Golf balls will be on display when you click on 3rd [Item]. Select the golf ball that you wish to purchase and click to [Yes] to confirm the purchase. Your Ng will be paid automatically as you purchase the golf ball from your possession.

You can verify your purchase by checking on your inventory. You will see your new golf ball.
? At last, you need to put the golf ball on you by opening up [Status (Alt+c)] window. In order to put or take off the item, you must open up both, [Status] window and [Inventory] window.

Click on the golf ball (left mouse button) in [Inventory]. The ball will be attached to your mouse pointer. At this point, move your ball to the [Status] window in vacant slot.

Place the ball in the empty slot and click the left button again. Now you can use the golf ball.
Now you can enter the field.
* If you exhaust ball, you can move the ball from Inventory window to Status window by click the right button on ball image.

6. Guild System

The significance of Shot-Online Guild system is that you can raise your own guild, just like individual character.

There is guild point that is contributed by each guild members?experience points. 10% of each guild members?experience point will be donated to guild points automatically.
Depending on the accumulation guild points, class of guild rises. Higher the guild class, guild members have privileged services like guild chatting, guild announcement etc.
Shot-Online will provide total 8 different guild class. In Shot-Online season2, the first challenge, we will open to you by 3rd class.

[Capability/Classes Benefits on different class]

| Guild Functions

G.1) Creating a guild

Any players over level 30 [Amateur title] are eligible to create a guild.
If you already have registered to another guild, you can not create a guild.
* To create a guild, NG is required according to Guild master's title.
[Amateur Title] 3,000,000NG
[Semi-Pro Title] 2,000,000NG
[Tour-Pro Title] 1,000,000NG

G.2) Scouting & Recruitment

Guild Master should be very active to recruit and scout new guild members in the square, field or on the internet / off the internet.

[Scout] Menu will be appear when you right click at the character that you would like to ask for scouting.

You can approve one? application by opening up [Guild(Alt+V)] window and use [Management Menu].

G.3) Joining a guild

* To join in a guild, NG is not required.
* You may join in only one guild in the one account on one server. For example, if your character already have joined to one guild in Vahallar server, you are not able to join in same guild with same character or other guild with other character in the same account.
* You may apply to join in a guild at least five times.
Click on [Anthony Bestra] Principal in the square and click on Guild Registration menu. Insert the name of the guild (Please double check the name of the guild before you type it in). And after click on the search button, guild information window will be shown. In the guild information window, you need to click on ?pplying to be registered button?to complete the process. However, you are not able to join the guild when the maximum numbers of the guild members are reached. Private Guild will not be appeared on the search result. Private guild registration can be complete only by the guild master? scouting invitation option.

G.4) Leaving the Guild

You can leave the registered guild whenever you wish to but there is 3 waiting days to reregister or create a guild. Leaving the guild is an option of guild member with one? free will. It is different option than removing from one guild by the guild master.

G.5) Terminating Guild
* Only the guild master can terminate the guild.
* Once you terminate the guild, you are not able to restore it. There is 7 waiting days to join or create a new guild after you terminate the guild.

There will not be 3 waiting days to reregister or create a guild for guild members (you may join or create a guild as soon as original guild have terminated), who automatically removed from the guild due to termination of the registered guild.

F.1) Removing guild member
* You need to acquire [F] class in order to use removing guild member option. And only the guild master has the authority to do so.
You can remove guild member by choosing [Guild(Alt+V)] window, and use [Manage menu].

F.2) Guild member on-line indicator
* From [F] class, every member can see the other guild members in game.
You can see other members on-line by open up [Guild(Alt+V)] window and click on [Players List] and select [On].

F.3) Guild Name
Name of the guild and the guild mark (image) will be appeared on the screen in the square, field, waiting list, chatting window and score card for member of the [F] or higher class guild.

F.4) Guild chatting
Members of [F] class or higher guild can chat with other members regardless where they are (square, field, waiting list?etc).
* However, they have to be in the same Channel.

E.1) Guild Announcement
Guild master of [E] class or higher can send messages to all members.
Ex) /GUILD_ANN message content
* Guild announcement will be sent by the server unit. You will be able to read the announcement if you are on the same server.

E.2) Giving guild members title
Guild master of [E] class or higher can give associate-guild master, regular member or associate member status to guild members.

Thank you,