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Violation of Terms of Use

Date Jul 05, 2005 Views 4,934
Dear, Shot-Online Members

Users who violated Terms of Use Agreement (In Section A. Rules Related to User Names and B. Rules Related to "Chat" and Interaction with Other Users) will not be tolerated.

A. Rules Related to User Names
Character will be deleted and account blocked for 3 days without notice
B. Rules Related to "Chat" and Interaction With Other Users
Account blocked for 1 day without notice
C. Hacking or using hacking program: Account deleted without notice

Please refer to the Terms of Use Agreement as following

A. Rules Related to User Names. Each user will select a character's name for his or her characters. When you choose a character's name or create a character that can be seen by other players of Shot-Online, you must abide by the rules of common decency. If OnNet, in its sole discretion, finds such a label to be offensive, it reserves the right to change the name, remove the label, and/or suspend your use of Shot-Online. In particular, you may not use:
1. Names of another person with the intent to impersonate that person;
2. Names which incorporate 'swear' or profane words or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. This also includes any name based on sexual innuendo or connotation (e.g. Vibrator, SexToy, Dildo, etc);
3. Names subject to the rights of any other person without authorization;
4. Names of popular culture or media personalities;
5. Names that are characters of Shot Online (e.g., Belzebuit, Elda, Shaoring, Wotan);
6. Names of religious figures (e.g., Buddha, Jesus,)
7. Names related to drugs, narcotics, or criminal activity, including references to drug substances (e.g., Heroin, Cocaine, Cannibus); or
8. Names which do not fall under the top 7 areas, but can lead to inappropriate remarks, chat, or other forms of communication in game.
Additionally, you may not purposely use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the name restrictions listed above, nor can you have a "first" and "last" name that, when combined, violate the above name restrictions. OnNet retains the right of final name approval or exceptions to this naming policy.

B. Rules Related to "Chat" and Interaction With Other Users. Communicating with other Users and OnNet representatives is an integral part of Shot-Online and is referred to in this document as "Chat." Your Chats may be subject to review, modification, and deletion without notice by OnNet. OnNet is under no obligation to monitor Chat and you engage in Chat at your own risk. When engaging in Chat in Shot-Online, you may not:
2. Limitations on Your Use of Shot-Online.
C. You may not modify Shot-Online to change game play, including, but not limited to, the creation of cheats and/or hacks, nor may you use any third-party software which is running at the same time as Shot-Online that accesses files which are part of Shot-Online, for any reason whatsoever. Additionally, you may not utilize any "packet sniffing" software, regardless of the operating system utilized by such software and regardless of whether or not such tools are running on the same computer as the client or any computer connected to that client or its network, or otherwise monitor Shot-Online's network connection while you or anyone else is playing Shot-Online.

C. Rules Related to Game Play.
(iv) You may not use any tools which hack or alter the Shot-Online client or server software.


Thank You