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Guild room information!

Date Feb 04, 2008 Views 13,581
SO Community,

Today during maintenance, we will be releasing the guild rooms to the guilds that has won them by submitting the most coupons. There were some changes in the guild room systems which will be explained below.

Guild room distribution:
- Guild rooms will be distributed every 2 months during server maintenance.
- Coupons that are not submitted will be deleted during server maintenance. (Coupons in lockers and inventory will be deleted)
- In case when a guild room owner is changed, the guild room level is not reset and will stored.
02/2008 - ShotOnline guild owns level 3 Buffalo guild room.
04/2008 - GamesCampus guild takes Buffalo guild room and they own a level 1 Buffalo guild room.
06/2008 - ShotOnline guild takes back Buffalo guild room and now they own a level 2 Buffalo guild room.

Summary: When you lose a guild room, your guild level will go down by one and the level is stored. When you gain that guild room back, you will start one level lower than what you had last time you had that room.

Full guild room benefits:

Guild Room Level 1: Granted access for entrance into the relevant guild room
Guild Room Level 1: Reduce fatigue rate while in the guild room
Guild Room Level 1: EXP x 1.2 in the linked course with guild room

Guild Room Level 2: Button for "Go to the Practice room" and "Go to Field" from guild room
Guild Room Level 2: Additional portal for going to Square located on the other side from the guild room
Guild Room Level 2: Distributes 10 Lucky Boxes to the guild locker

Guild Room Level 3: Own Guild board in guild room
Guild Room Level 3: 50% discount off Green fee at the course linked from guild room
Guild Room Level 3: Distributes 20 Lucky Boxes to the guild locker

Guild Room Level 4: Guild banner available both in front of the guild room and inside guild room
Guild Room Level 4: EXP x 1.4 on the course linked from the guild room
Guild Room Level 4: Removed all the fatigue rate when entering the guild room

Guild Room Level 5: Free Green Fee on the course linked from the guild room
Guild Room Level 5: Distributes their own guild Hat which the guild room mark is printed on the front
Guild Room Level 5: Distributes 50 Lucky Boxes to the guild locker

Guild Room Level 6: TBD - More benefits coming soon!

If you have any questions, please let us know through DQ&A or email at [email protected]
