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Semi Pro Test Results 09/11/2010

Date Sep 14, 2010 Views 10,055
Hello Shot-Online Community,

Here are the results for the Semi-Pro test that took place on 08/28/2010 .

Number of participants: 346
Number of participants passed: 178
Cut off score: 66
name score
Shooter_Nice 54
R-U-T-H 55
nappynumber2 55
BlubbsNub 56
QueenLaqueefah 56
Bonecrusher_ 56
AdmiralKuk 57
qu3becois 57
Delix 57
Van_the_Man 57
KJChoiSM 58
laojin 59
Eviloution 59
Sizik 59
Ruth2 59
sek1 59
Little-Verona 59
yayaya 59
FairyTail68 59
asdew50 59
MaloII 59
Butsch 59
Elzorro 59
-Stephanie- 59
Marvinn 59
ooby 60
dodi101 60
Spirit_of_Power 60
for_my_sweety 60
Deirv 60
666john 60
1-page-book 60
CreatorNL 60
HM_Murdoch 60
LeoRodrigues 60
AnGrA78 60
2Ezee 60
xColoso 60
Burner87 60
Yokihama 60
Berliner_Kindl 60
Littleblubby 61
GopherMyBeaver 61
LF888 61
Area17N34W 61
Surf_student 61
rinShot 61
Butzee 61
Halfiron 61
Ima_Jockey 61
jacksonheights_Jnr 61
Pepe_17 61
Patoruzu 61
LunaLanda 61
Haagen_Dasz 61
giselefromfrance 61
BANjA 61
zmrdecek 61
crusher11 62
CrystalBall 62
DekzwinZ 62
Rockster68 62
tasteme 62
Henriette 62
Gerardin 62
Toml 62
HHPaule-Germany 62
slowak 62
AresOfGolf 62
dodi102 62
Spargeltarzan 62
Misspower 62
Lady_Eleanor 62
Mantek 62
Kalmah 63
Qx_xQ 63
YeshuaLover 63
joey69 63
Megan-James 63
Gurl_Toi 63
Milan2001 63
LordOfDark 63
pr0phY 63
Fhlexor 63
Ylja 63
Kobus1982 63
anchionese88 63
Claudias-Kleine 63
DNF 63
Balex67 63
S-JAY 63
Halodik 63
senato 63
Alariel 63
Sandrox 64
hal-a-toe-sis 64
jal407 64
DeamonII 64
GodefroyDeNormandie 64
NuLLsKiLLz 64
Fixspitz3 64
felipe1965 64
Terry77 64
cyrhill 64
litlit 64
Dominiczek 64
Svendergrosse4 64
Indy1 64
caris 64
WheezyBaby 64
metehanz 64
i_see_u 64
rec1_ 64
shanekx125 64
Joob1 64
Marmanito 64
OO00 64
HappyGilmore2 65
jerro11 65
Korsar_FR 65
henryhacker 65
jean13013 65
alianvert 65
Power_Off_1 65
StellaArtois 65
Golfer63 65
BrianInIndy 65
blake_1 65
Abelon 65
Sunny-girl 65
Hey_Dude 65
Bitti 65
Stegu87 65
sky-hook 65
onehunglow 65
Tampaa 65
belette2 65
Rusty_Spoon 65
Benjaminn 65
jsb3 65
Paulie_Walnuts 65
FOG-Carsten 65
bogdanconfortex 66
cUTz_bmx 66
realist 66
BabyBK 66
WildMice 66
Skizzle 66
HerzScheisse 66
MillerTime 66
Tihmayyy 66
sexgodess 66
Gandalf1 66
Indys 66
Peeboddy 66
niwin-atrokirina 66
Mr_Albatros 66
Pants2 66
Jupiler_ 66
subsub 66
Captain_Jack_Sparrow 66
bignut 66
Luna_ 66
Raffael 66
Rogermore 66
willi69 66
Tbo_124 66
mein_c_tut_w 66
Chernz 66
00buck 66
E-N-G-L-A-N-D 66
Samson2 66
Number of participants: 98
Number of participants passed: 53
Cut off score: 67
name score
TheSpaceman 60
Rondo 61
ValleyRat 61
Matty96 62
krtzfool 62
farina 62
rheal 62
vlp 62
Tractoras 63
christighe 63
kajinek 63
Catweazel 63
liuukjthg 63
FBs_Student_1 63
topaz9 63
staccem 63
kris1015 64
Nuijten 64
Brasco 64
PadmaNN 64
Gosin 65
TSjacks 65
edicruz 65
JollyJAF 65
addicted 65
Twoguns 65
edelrocker 65
DrunkenTom 65
uncle-buck 65
LobstahMobstah 65
SateIIite 65
Mercedez 65
stathis 66
steamer 66
Chillydip 66
chillbill27 66
Ed-Woomer 66
lionking 66
Groof 66
toonzy 66
posch 66
BubbaWatson 66
bill-b 66
John_Mayer 67
OldScorp68 67
amapolabob 67
ObieUK 67
Naty10 67
george-greece 67
OhioState 67
Jason_Voorhees 67
tgr 67
Please log out and log back in to receive your Semi Pro title.

The next Semi Pro test is on Saturday, 09/25/2010!

Shot-Online Team