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Introducing Character & Guild name changer!

Date Jun 15, 2011 Views 19,345

SO Community!

Name Change Items have arrived and I’d like to take a bit of time here to tell you all about them!
These items can be purchased and used to change not only character names,
but guild names as well! Here are the specifics regarding each item:

Character Name Change Item
This item will allow you to change your character name to another name of your choice,
but there are a few things you should do before doing this:

- You must have removed any items for sale/bid (both old and new) from the Auction.

- If you are in the middle of taking a test or have passed a test, but not yet gained your new title, DO NOT USE THIS ITEM UNTIL YOU HAVE THE NEW TITLE. If you use the name change item before your new title is awarded the previous test information WILL BE RESET!

Example of the above: If you have passed 2 out of 4 Graduation Tests and change your name, the system will reset your player to 0/4 passed. If you take the Semi-Pro test on Saturday and score well enough to have passed, but change your name on Sunday before the titles are awarded on Monday, your player will not get the new title when everyone else does. 

During the process of changing the name, you will also be asked if you would like to keep or discard your Friends List,
please be sure to select the correct option here as if you accidentally choose the wrong option it will be irreversible.
When the name change process has been initiated and your Friends List selection has been made you will then be logged out and your account will be temporarily blocked while the system changes are updated to reflect your new name, after that process completes you will be able to login again normally. Once you use the item you will have to wait for 30 days before you can use another.

NOTE: If you are in the ranking system, your name will be changed the next day.

1. Right click the name change item from your inventory

2. Enter the character name you want and click "Check availability"

Make sure you agree by checking the box and if you want to keep or delete your friends list.

3. Hit "Confirm" to change your character name. You will be automatically kicked and you will have your new character name within 5 minutes.


Guild Name Change Item

This item allows you to change your guild name to another name of your choice, but again there are a couple of stipulations:

- You must be the Guild Master in order to use the item
- We prefer if GMs let their guildies know before these items are used

As long as these qualifiers are in order you can go ahead and use the new Guild Name Change Item! Once you use it, a Guild Announcement will be made to let anyone online know that the item was used and the name is being changed. If guildies are logged in when the item is used they will have to relog to see the updated guild name information, but all guild members do not need to logout for the GM to use the item.

Click here to purchase a character name change!

Click here to purchase a guild name change!

NOTE: These 2 items are also available in the in-game item mall!

So that’s that! If you have any questions or concerns regarding these items (or for anything else) feel free to send in a DQ&A and we’ll do our best to provide you the answers you seek!

Thank you,
Shot-Online Team