Hello, SOmmunity
Our community guidelines are designed to keep our community safe. They outline what content isn’t allowed and apply to all chat areas on the Shot Online International server where players can post messages. This includes ingame chat, gallery board, whispers, forum and private messages.
Please avoid the following inappropriate behaviors, as they may result in actions such as deletion without warning.
posting repetitive content
Spam, deceptive practices, and scams
Nudity and sexual content
aggressive elements (threats, insults, slander, etc.)
Trolling (intentional attempts to annoy or frustrate others)
Defamation (knowingly spreading negative information about a specific player or making unfounded accusations against them)
Misquoting posts or players (Changing the words of others to cause confusion, inaccuracy, unpopularity, or harm.)
Political and religious discussions
Inappropriate avatars and signatures
External links or advertising
Sharing private information (such as email addresses, phone numbers, or usernames)
Excessive use of capital letters and punctuation
Off-topic posts, and hijacking other players' posts
Pushing threads
Discussions about closed or removed topics
Posting support tickets or responses
Requests involving unsafe trading
Purchases or sales involving real money
* It is also forbidden to mention a player's name (or use euphemisms) to "warn" others about them due to incidents in the game.
* If you want to report a player or have a concern, please send us a DQ&A so that we can provide support.
By using the chat areas on the Shot Online International server, you confirm that you have read, understood, and will respect these rules, as well as the WEBZEN Terms of Use.
The guidelines were updated on August 27th, 2024.
Your Shot Online Team