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Offensive Names Sweep Coming

Date Apr 03, 2012 Views 11,672
Hello Everyone

We think this is a good time to link this page, as it is quite important and not many players seem to have read it:

When you make an account here, you accept the terms described in that document. That includes the naming guidelines, rules for in game behavior, and many other pieces of information that apply equally to everyone and should be read by everyone. 

So when you make names that go against those policies, you are breaking your agreement with us. That results in bans. Period.

We are planning an offensive names sweep over the next 3 days. This will include both Character Names as well as Guild Names and guilds usage of the Promotion Board for their messages. Any accounts with names that are found to be against the policies set forth in the ToS will be banned. In the case of guild names/guild promotions, the GM of the guild will receive the ban.

This will not be limited to the next 3 days, it will be an ongoing enforcement of naming policy. We are simply using the next 3 days to get a good jump on what is sure to be a very involved and frustrating thing.

These bans are meant to be temporary. They are not meant to crush your dreams or destroy your gaming future. The purpose for the ban is to make it clear that this is something being taken seriously and only if you refuse to change your name (we hear the "if it wasn't allowed it wouldn't be accepted" line alot. Suffice it to say that we disagree strongly on the subject and your argument will have very little weight if you use that one) will you be banned permanently or until you reconsider your options. 

If you DO find yourself banned, just contact us via DQA and I'm sure we can chat amicably about things. You can always type at us in caps lock if you so choose, but you should know in advance that it will not help you at all to do so. We can read normally sized letters very well, so that will do.

We're not trying to "pick on" anyone or anything of the sort here. Things have just got a bit out of hand recently and something must be done. As such, it will be done. 

Thanks for your time and understanding here. If in doubt, send us a DQA. 

NOTICE: For the record, we will NOT be giving out free CR Name Change items. If you chose to name your toon offensively (or against the guidelines) then that's on you. Nobody forced you to choose that name, and you should have known better when you did it.

The Shot Online Team