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October Gold Invitational Tournament Results!

Date Oct 15, 2012 Views 7,729
Hello Shot Online Community!
The October Gold Invitational was held from 10/08/12 to 10/11/12, and here are the results! 
Group 1 (41 - 60)
Hollid Vallar
Character name Score HDCP Prize Character name Score HDCP Prize
RunToYou 50 -16 5000cc NarrDe 44 -18 5000cc
BruceLeeRoy2 53 -3 2500cc  xX_Thomas_Xx 52 -10 2500cc
Bad_Boy_Belz 64 2 1000cc  MrJunhui 53 -4 1000cc
        leepardon1 57 -8 1000cc
Group 2 (61 - 80)
Hollid Vallar
Character name Score HDCP Prize Character name Score HDCP Prize
Anabolica-Bomber 49 -16 5000cc  franck27 48 -14 5000cc
        Alo911 49 28 2500cc
        CharlesEdouardDuPar 49 -14 1000cc
        zOnK 56 -13 1000cc
Group 3 (81 - 100)
Hollid Vallar
Character name Score HDCP Prize Character name Score HDCP Prize
BogeyBoss 57 -14 5000cc Alo911 55 28 5000cc
        lechateaudif 60 -10 2500cc
Group 4 (101+)
Hollid Vallar
Character name Score HDCP Prize Character name Score HDCP Prize
Craig_83 49 -20 5000cc PyeongWon-PumSe 47 -24 5000cc
Boki 52 -22 2500cc Ha1mmi 48 -25 2500cc
Big_Meanie 52 -19 1000cc  wetzayer 48 -23 1000cc
HogansSecret 52 -17 1000cc  A_In_NS 49 -21 1000cc
WayneyM 53 -18 1000cc Pazi 50 -24 1000cc

Tiebreaker: Lower handicap/First Card Submitted (if the handicap is the same then the tie goes to the first submission)

There were a lot of players that submitted only 2 scorecards and the requirements say that players need to submit 3 scorecards to qualify.

Remember to submit 3 scorecards for the next months Gold Invitational !

Hope everyone had fun participating in the tournament yes

The prize for October Gold Invitational will be sent out by Monday, 10/15/12 at 19:00 (server time).

Please feel free to send us your feedback regarding the Gold Invitational so we can make necessary changes to improve the future Gold Invitational Tournaments.

Thank you!

Shot Online Team