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12/11/12 Patch Notes!

Date Dec 07, 2012 Views 10,551
Hello Shot Online Community :)
Welcome to Shot Online's 12/11/12 Patch Notes!

We will be listing all the upcoming changes and fixes that will be implemented during the maintenance on 12/11/12.

The sever maintenance will start at 9:00 PM server time and it's going to take approximately 4 hours to finish.

See below for the patch notes.
12/11/12 Server Maintenance Notes


Song Gia Course Adjustment
-We will be adjusting the course for holes 2,7,8th hole because the 1-9 holes were found to be more difficult than the latter
so we will be adjusting it so that 1-9 holes is equally difficult as 9-18!
-Playing on Song Gia course will require a Green-Fee now. (5,000 NG)

-Adding friends when when other characters are in different channels!

-We will be bringing back the 800x600 resolution during this maintenance!

Bug Correction

-When deleting friends, players could still see the character on the other player's friend list.

-Guild Master can not see the list of who was withdrawn from the Guild.
-Corrected the issue when it would say players are ready when the room maker goes out and returns
-Certain items wouldn't move to the inventory from Virtual Locker.
-Player turn issue- When time expires, players can still shoot during rounding with other players.

-Card Collection
-VIP Club Box VIII Open Box Reward
-Course Rounding Event

Card Collection Event
Collection Card Event count will reset so make sure you send it by 6:00 PM (18:00 server time)

Also I would like to remind everyone that if you are trying to have your guild icon/banner submitted, to please do so in the DQA board, by the Friday 5:00pm prior to the next maintenance. Below is the format required for a successful submission:
Please name your DQA title as 'Guild Icon Submission'
Guild Icons:

Guild Name
Guild Masters ID
Guild Masters Character Name
Image in BMP format (16 by 16 pixels) and 24 bit color
Please name your DQA title as 'Guild Banner Submission'
Guild Banners:

Guild Name
Guild Masters ID
Guild Masters Character name
Banner sizes: 
Outside the guild room 
512 x 256 pixels 24 bit color
Inside the guild room 
256 x 512 pixels 24 bit color
Must be in JPEG or BMP format, and if you would like them to show up in a specific way, label the files accordingly (left, right, center, outside)

Shot Online Team