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9/04/12 Maintenance Contents

Date Aug 31, 2012 Views 10,176
Hello Shot Online Community!

Welcome to Shot Online's 9/04/12 patch notes!
We will be listing all the upcoming changes and fixes that will be implemented during the maintenance on 9/04/12.

The sever maintenance will start at 10:00 PM server time and it's going to take approximately 4 hours to finish.

See below for the patch notes.

9/04/12 Server Maintenance Patch Notes
  • Graduation Test Requirement Lowered
    • After closely monitoring the number of attempts on Abel Plena after the recent update, we decided to lower the required score on Abel Plena to pass the Graduation Test. 
    • Required score on Abel Plena after the maintenance will be : -10 
    • The required score on other courses will remain the same.
      (Cadeiger : -14, Gleiger : -5, Rufus Arena : -12)
  • Stat Removal on Laurel Wreath
    • The Olympic Event item, Laurel Wreath, will have its stats removed during the maintenance on 9/04/12.
    • The socket slot will remain unchanged.
    • Big thanks to everyone who participated in the Event to earn this item!
  • Collection Card Event will reset count so make sure you send it in an hour before 6:00 PM(server time)
  • We will be distributing the prizes of the Pleta Box VII Events.
  • Guild House Coupon Reset
    • Guild House Coupon count will be reset during the maintenance.
    • Get ready to compete for the Guild Houses! 
Also I would like to remind everyone that if you are trying to have your guild icon/banner submitted, to please do so in the DQA board, by the Friday 5:00pm prior to the next maintenance. Below is the format required for a successful submission:
Please name your DQA title as 'Guild Icon Submission'
Guild Icons:

Guild Name
Guild Masters ID
Guild Masters Character Name
Image in BMP format (16 by 16 pixels) and 24 bit color
Please name your DQA title as 'Guild Banner Submission'
Guild Banners:

Guild Name
Guild Masters ID
Guild Masters Character name
Banner sizes: 
Outside the guild room 
512 x 256 pixels 24 bit color
Inside the guild room 
256 x 512 pixels 24 bit color
Must be in JPEG or BMP format, and if you would like them to show up in a specific way, label the files accordingly (left, right, center, outside)

Shot Online Team