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New Medal Shop Upgrades

Date Jun 21, 2013 Views 12,631
> New Medal Shop Upgrades <

To give more benefits to players who attend the World Ranking Tour and Masters Ranking Tour, we have added new Medal Shop Upgrades.

There are two tabs for the Medal Shop now.

1. "Buff" tab
2. "Boosters" tab

Players can now boost their Mageia N4.0 and higher through the "Boosters" tab.

All possible items to upgrade are; 

Mageia Plus N4
Mageia Plus N4.5
Mageia Plus N5
Mageia Plus N5.5
Mageia Plus N6

All Master Mageias and All Royal Mageias

Here is a message that you would see if you were to make a regular purchase.

Also, there is a new "EXP 20% Free Upgrade Ticket" that players can use to boost their Mageia series without spending a medal!

EXP 20% Free Upgrade Ticket - A ticket you can use to boost a Mageia series for free at the Medal Shop.

If you have the "EXP 20% Free Upgrade Ticket", the following message will pop-up when you press the "Purchase" button.

We will be giving out 1x (EXP 20% Free Upgrade Ticket) for finishing the World Ranking Tour!!
So, make sure to participate in World Ranking Tour! 

**Important Facts**
1. Only Mageias with full durability can be boosted
2. Trade-able, Non-tradeable, character-bound Mageia series can all be boosted
3. You can only boost a Mageia once per item.
4. All boosted Mageias will have a new title requirement of - Master Pro or higher.
5. A player must be in the ranking-list of WRT to qualify for a free 1x "EXP 20% Free Upgrade Ticket"
6. Boosted Mageias will turn-into "Character-Bound".

Pleaes let us know if you have any questions via DQ&A board.
Thank you.

Shot Online Team