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Random Courses Rounding Event Results!

Date Aug 20, 2013 Views 7,942
Hello Shot Online Community!

We'd like to congratulate players on participating the
Random Courses Rounding Event
for the past two weekends!

We had a lot of players participate in this event and
now its time to deliver the news for the top 50 places!

1st Place
erloco1 from Vallar Server 
Mr_Woo from Hollid Server

We would like to congratulate these two players for winning 1st Place
on the Random Courses Rounding Event and they will be receiving:

Blast G Driver R
2x Club Reinforcement Ticket

2nd Place
MissSax from Vallar Server 
Zen- from Hollid Server

We would like to congratulate these two players for winning 2nd Place
on the Random Courses Rounding Event and they will be receiving:

Blast G 3W R
1x Club Reinforcement Ticket

3rd Place
Slosh from Vallar Server 
tedory from Hollid Server

We would like to congratulate these two players for winning 3rd Place
on the Random Courses Rounding Event and they will be receiving:

Blast G 5W R
1x Club Reinforcement Ticket

4th~10th Place

These players above will win the following:
1x Zodiac Plus 1000
1x KJ Choi VIP Card

11th~25th Place

These players above will win the following:
1x Zodiac Plus 500
1x 3 Day Avatar Extension Ticket

26th~ 50th Place

These players above will win the following:
1x Zodiac Plus 100

**The names above are based off of Character Names and their servers**

On top of these prizes above,
we also gave guaranteed prizes for
collecting a certain number of Event Course Cards as well!

For collecting;

9 cards - Mulligan Card (5)

15 cards - 1x Gemini 100 + 1x Libra 100

24 cards - 1x Scorpio 500 + 1x Zodiac Drei 500

30 cards - 1x Accessory - Sun Cap 1000

39 cards - 1x Accessory - Sunglasses 1000

All of these prizes will be sent to their appropriate account no later than 7:00 P.M. server time!

Please let us know if you have any questions or issues via DQ&A board.
Thank you & Enjoy!  

Shot Online Team