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MRT / WRT Changes

Date Aug 19, 2013 Views 10,712
Hello Golfers,

After examining the stats for Masters Ranking Tour and World Ranking Tour, we noticed that players were having to spend too much time to collect enough Coins and Medals to participate in MRT / WRT.

To help players to easily participate in MRT / WRT without spending too much of their time, we will be making a few adjustments to how many Coins / Medals are given out for Masters Q-school and Masters Ranking Tour rounds.

  Masters Q-school Masters Ranking Tour World Ranking Tour
Before After Before After Before  After
Participation Fee 5,000,000 NG 40 Coins 20 Coins 40 Medals 20 Medals
Rewards Score
10 Coins
Score 73~100= 20 Coins Score 70~90 =
10 Medals
Score 73~100 =
10 Medals
Tour Score
60~69 =
20 Coins
Score below 72 = 40 Coins Score 60~69 =
20 Medals
Score below 72 = 20 Medals Score 70~90 = 10 Points
Score below 59 = 30 Coins   Score below 59 = 30 Medals Ranked Players = 1x WRT Free Participation Ticket Score 60~69 = 20 Points
    Ranked Players = 1x WRT Free Participation Ticket   Score below 59 = 30 Points
        New Ranking = 10 Points
        Ranked Players = EXP+20% Free Upgrade Ticket 
Max Coins/Medals 500 Coins 300 Medals None

As you can see, the number of coins needed to participate in Masters Ranking Tour and World Ranking Tour have both gone down by half. (40 Coins -> 20 Coins, 40 Medals -> 20 Medals)

Also, we will be giving out more Coins and Medals as rewards.

We understand that these are not the ONLY reasons behind why players are not participating in these tournaments and we are working to improve the system as a whole. (e.g., provide better incentives for participating / ranking)

Hope everyone's happy with the upcoming changes.

Make sure to let us know if you have any questions or comments via DQ&A board.
Thank you!

Shot Online Team