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SOLite Putting Mini Game Event

Date Nov 30, 2022 Views 2,849
Dec 01, 2022 00:00 ~ Dec 31, 2022 00:00
Dear SOmmunity,

We are excited to announce the official event opening for our new app: “SO Lite” !
[SO Lite] is a mobile app where you can play the putting mini game with your PC Shot Online account.
The [SO Lite] version putting mini game works similarly to the PC version putting mini game: You receive up to 3 tries per hole to hole-up in, and the better you play, the more flags you can achieve!

For a more detailed guide to SO Lite, please click here.

Please refer below for details regarding the official event:

SO Lite Putting Mini Game
Event Period: December 1st 00:00 ~ December 31st 00:00 (server time) 

Limit: 10 times per day
Putting Tickets: Receive “SO Lite Putting Ticket 5” once per day at NPC Anthony

- How To Play
1) Receive free SO Lite Putting Tickets from NPC Anthony once per day.
2) Right-click the Ticket to charge the available tries to play the SO Lite Putting Game
3) Login to [SO Lite] with your PC account ID and PW, and start playing!
4) You can receive the SO Lite rewards depending on the number of flags you have achieved by the end of the event period.

Flags Reward
1 ~ 9 1x SOLite Completion Reward
10 ~ 19 2x SOLite Completion Reward
20 ~ 29 3x SOLite Completion Reward
30 ~ 39 4x SOLite Completion Reward
40 ~ 49 5x SOLite Completion Reward
50 ~ 59 6x SOLite Completion Reward
60 7x SOLite Completion Reward

- Rewards
Reward Period: December 31st 12:00 ~ January 7th 12:00 (server time)
* You can receive the rewards only during the reward period. Please make sure to receive them before the reward period is over!
* The “SOLite Completion Reward” contains 100% EXP.
* You only receive the reward for the highest number of flags achieved.
EX) If you achieve 53 flags, you ONLY get 6x SOLite Completion Rewards, NOT including the rewards for 1 ~ 49 flags.
* The rewards can be received only once per account.

We hope you enjoy!

Your Shot Online Team