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[Event] Flash Deal Event: Item Craft for NG!

Date Sep 25, 2024 Views 232
Sep 24, 2024 19:00 ~ Sep 30, 2024 23:59
Dear SOmmunity,

As a token of appreciation with Birdie Race event, Flash Deal Event is back!
You will be able to craft items for cheaper NG compared to Auction House average price during the following event period!

Period: After September maintenance - Sep 30th 23:59

After this period item craft will not longer be possible so be sure to craft your favorite items!
Please pay attention to the conditions, limit and prices before crafting. 

Refer below for items that can be crafted:

Item Name NG Price Craft Limit (Account) Title Limit
Anniversary Box A 1,500,000,000 1 Royal Pro - Legend Pro
Anniversary Box B 2,500,000,000 1 Royal Pro - Legend Pro
Anniversary Box C 5,000,000,000 3 Royal Pro - Legend Pro
Box Item
Anniversary Box A
Mageia Plus N8 150 x1
Theurgia P80 150 x1
Ambrosia 60% 10 x1
Platinum Tee x1
Anniversary Box B
Blessed Legend Fabric Piece Pouch + 100 x1
Burning Clothes Fabric Piece Pouch+100 x1
Clothes Enhancing Fabric Piece Pouch +100 x2
Brooch [40%/40%] 100 x1
Anniversary Box C
Special Enhancement Stone Box x5
Hammer parts bag x1
Club reinforcement ticket - Group 2 x5
+30% Clothes Reinforcement Ticket x5

* All rewards are non-tradable.


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