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Anniversary Box Sale!

Date Sep 20, 2017 Views 9,582
Sep 21, 2017 02:00 ~ Sep 26, 2017 02:00

Hello Shot Online Community!

Our anniversary party is in full swing and now it is time for our anniversary sale!

We have a brand new Anniversary Putter (in regular and MP versions), a new Anniversary Party Hat (our favourite item in this box!) and new 50% EXP Iapetos gems and balls and more!

Of course, there's no birthday without the proper outfit, so we've brought back our fancy suits and dresses from our 11th Anniversary Party, so go get dressed up and loot amazing items from our Anniversary Box available throughout this weekend!


 Anniversary Box!

Buy 10, Get 3 Free
4990 CC

Buy 5, Get 1 Free
2495 CC

Buy 1
499 CC

Please note that "PURCHASE" links only become available when the sale starts!


Our most loyal box buyers will receive amazing loyalty rewards!

Top 20 Buyers 10 Random Buyers

#1 - Golden Birthday Bundle
- 12th Anni. MP Putter
- 12th Anni. UV Hat 
- Full Set 11th Anni. IK Clothes
#2 - Silver Birthday Bundle
- 12th Anni. UV Hat 
- Full Set 11th Anni. IK Clothes
#3 - Bronze Birthday Bundle
- Full Set 11th Anni. IK Clothes
#4 - #10 - Large Enhancement Bundle
- 5x Club Reinforcement Ticket Group 2
#11 - #20 - Small Enhancement Bundle
- 2x Club Reinforcement Ticket Group 2

Random Pick Among Buyers!
2x Club Reinf. Ticket Group 2

Everyone Is A Winner!

Everyone who purchases this box will get one character bound:

 Potter's Token [2H] (4x EXP)


Box Contents
Contains one of the following items (Name / Amount*):

Anniversary Box Special!
Iapetos Gem (50%) 1000 / 2000 
Iapetos Ball 3PC / 4PC / 2PC  [50%] 250 / 100
UV 12th Anniversary Special Cap GRI -BKI 
12th Anniversary Putter [Masterpiece] 
12th Anniversary Putter 
US 11th Anni. Navy Jacket GRI -IK /-BIK
US 11th Anni. Navy Pants GRI -IK
US 11th Anni. Black Hair GRI -IK /-BIK
US 11th Anni. Black Shoes GRI -IK
US 11th Anni. Black Gloves GRI -IK /-BIK
US 11th Anni. Purple Jacket GRI -PI / -BPI
US 11th Anni. Blonde Hair GRI -PI / -BPI
US 11th Anni. Brown Shoes GRI -PI
US 11th Anni. Yellow Gloves GRI -PI / -BPI
US UV 11th Anni. Gentleman Black Jacket GRI -KI / -BKI
US UV 11th Anni. Gentleman Black Pants GRI -KI
US UV 11th Anni. Gentleman Brown Hair GRI -KI / -BKI
US UV 11th Anni. Gentleman Wine Shoes GRI -KI
US UV 11th Anni. Gentleman Red Gloves GRI -KI / -BKI

Masterpiece Valkyrie Clubs!
Valkyrie G Driver R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2 
Valkyrie G 3W R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Valkyrie G 5W R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2 
Valkyrie G Iron Set R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2 
Valkyrie G PW R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2 
Valkyrie G AW R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2 
Valkyrie G SW R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2 
Valkyrie G Putter R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2 
Masterpiece Clubs!
Hades G Driver R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Hades G 3W or 5W R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Hades G Iron Set R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Hades G PW or AW or SW R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Hades G Putter R [masterpiece]+ Ticket G2
Blast G Driver R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Blast G 3W or 5W R  [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Blast G Iron Set R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Blast G PW or SW or AW R [masterpiece] + Ticket G2
Blast G Putter [masterpiece] + Ticket G2

Valkyrie Clubs
Valkyrie G Driver R
Valkyrie G 3W R
Valkyrie G 5W R
Valkyrie G Iron Set R
Valkyrie G PW R
Valkyrie G AW R
Valkyrie G SW R
Valkyrie G Putter R
Hades G Driver R
Hades G 3W/5W R
Hades G Iron Set R
Hades G PW/AW/SW R
Hades G Putter R
Blast G Driver R
Blast G 3W or 5W R
Blast G Iron Set R
Blast G PW or AW or SW R
Blast G Putter R 

Other Items!
2x Menoetios Gem 2000/1000/500 (40%)
1x Eunomia Gem 2000/1000/500 (45%)
1x Magos E3.0 250
1x Hesione EXP Badge 8% 100
1x Hesione EXP Badge 9% 100
1x Epimetheus EXP Badge 10% 100
1x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 1
Advanced Bundle: 5x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 1
Legendary Bundle: 10x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 1
1x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 2
Advanced Bundle: 5x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 2
Legendary Bundle: 10x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 2
5x Character Type Change Ticket - Clubs
1x Zodiac Plus 1000
1x Ambrosia 40%/45%/50% 25/50 
1x Theurgia P60 500 / 250
1x Theurgia P65 100 + Theurgia P65 150
1x Mageia Plus N6 250
1x Swing Trainer P-2/I-2/K-2/S-2 [30%] or [35%]
2x or 1x Smart Ball Marker AA (10)
1x [Map] Legend Making Hammer 
Sets of Items
Set 1  2x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 1
 3x Club reinforcement ticket - Group 2
Set 2  1x Menoetios Gem 2000
 1x Zodiac Gem II 2000
 1x Loki Gem III 2000
 1x Thor Gem III 2000
 1x Odin Gem III 2000

Happy 12th anniversary!
Shot Online team.