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2016 Christmas Box

Date Dec 22, 2016 Views 11,958
Dec 23, 2016 01:00 ~ Dec 28, 2016 01:00

2016 Christmas Box

- Available from Friday, 23rd Dec. until Wednesday, 28th Dec. -

This Christmas Box is truly special!

Not only do you have a chance to receive our brand new
Masterpiece Hades Clubs, but also the 2016 Merry Christmas Putter and, for the first time ever, Ambrosia 45% and Theurgia P65! Some Christmas Themed Swing Trainers were included, and a powerful Legendary EXP and Reinforcement Bundle!


5x Christmas Box
+ 1 Free
2495 CC



Christmas Mega Reward Event

Everyone who is in the Top 30 Box Openers and Buyers (total 60 winners!) will receive at least 5 Club Reinforcement Tickets Group 1 and Group 2!

Top 1 ~ Top 3
20x Club Reinforcement Ticket G1
20x Club Reinforcement Ticket G2

Top 4 ~ Top 15
10x Club Reinforcement Ticket G1
10x Club Reinforcement Ticket G2

Top 16 ~ Top 30
5x Club Reinforcement Ticket G1
5x Club Reinforcement Ticket G2

We will also send out 3x Club Reinforcement Ticket G1 and G2 to 10 random buyers who did not win anything in this Reward Event.


Hades Club Spotlight

Gallery: Hades Clubs

Comparison: Hades vs. Blast Club Test

Club Distance Loft Angle  Club Distance Loft Angle
1W 442.5 10.5°  1W 429.5 10°
3W 434.5 14°  3W 404.0 14,5°
5W 430.5 16.5°  5W 388.5 17,5°
3I 396 18°  3I 376.0 17,2°
4I 374 21°  4I 367.0 20,2°
5I 349 24°  5I 358.0 23,2°
6I 322 28°  6I 333.0 27,2°
7I 294.5 33°  7I 304.0 32,2°
8I 268.5 37°  8I 270.0 36,1°
9I 246 41°  9I 221.0 40,2°
PW 153.5 45°  PW 152.5 44,2°
AW 110 50°  AW 121.5 49,2°
SW 75 55°  SW 89.0 54,2°

Power 40 Stamina 9
Impact 55 Skill 229

Weather: Sunny Wind: No Sweet Spot: 0
Temperature: 25° Power: 100% Spin / Ball: No / 2PC


Christmas Box Contents

Contains one of the following items:
2016 Merry Christmas Putter [Masterpiece]
Merry Christmas! This Christmas Themed Putter provides +70% EXP (Masterpiece).
  Hades G Collection R [Masterpiece]
You can obtain either Driver, 3W, 5W, Iron Set, PW, AW, SW, or Putter.
  +   Hades G Collection R [Advanced] + Club Reinforcement Ticket Group 1
Driver, 3W, 5W, Iron Set, PW, AW, SW, or Putter, plus Group1 Reinforcement Ticket!
  +   Hades G Collection R + Club Reinforcement Ticket Group 1
Driver, 3W, 5W, Iron Set, PW, AW, SW, or Putter, plus Group 1 Reinforcement Ticket!
US 11th Anniversary Putter [Masterpiece]
Return of the popular Anniversary Putter!
US 11th Anniversary Putter [Advanced]
Return of the popular Anniversary Putter!
Christmas Swing Trainer K-1 [20%]
Swing Trainer gives Skill +5 and extra 20% EXP for 3, 2 or 1 hour.
2x or 1x Christmas Swing Trainer K-3 [25%]
Swing Trainer gives Skill +5 and extra 25% EXP for 3 hours.
Mageia Plus N6 (50, 150, or 250)
Enhanced Mageia that provides 6x EXP.
Theurgia P65 (100, 150, or 250)
Provides 65% additional experience. Stacks with other EXP modifiers.
Theurgia P60 or P55 (100, 250, or 500)
Provides 60% 55% additional experience. Stacks with other EXP modifiers.
  Ambrosia 45% (10, 25, or 50)
Drink this to get 45% extra EXP after putting the ball in the hole.
  Ambrosia 40%, 35%, or 30% (10, 25, or 50)
Drink this to get 40% or 35% extra EXP after putting the ball in the hole.
  Zodiac Plus (500 or 1000)
Enhanced Zodiac, which provies all Stats +4 while equipped.
   Grace Vela VIP Card 
When this VIP card is used, it is registered as an Avatar (Additional EXP 45%).
  Level 10 Cards (Meriel - I, or Calix - P, or Grace Vela - K)
Avatars which provide +35% EXP.
  Smart Ball Marker AA (10)
A Birdie or better with a Ball Marker equipped provides bonus exp or durability recovery.
  +   2x Smart Ball Marker AA (10)
Lucky openers might get a double pack of Smart Ball Markers AA (10)!
  Club Reinforcement Ticket Group 1 or Group 2
Ticket for club reinforcement to receive additional stat and set effects.
Legendary EXP Bundle
With a little luck, get all these items at once!

 1x Christmas Swing Trainer K-3 [25%]     
 1x Smart Ball Marker AA (10)                   
 1x Mageia Plus N6 (250)        
 1x Ambrosia 45% (50)              
 1x Theurgia P65 (250)          
Reinforcement Bundle
With a little luck, get all these items at once!

 2x Club Reinforcement Ticket Group 1
 5x Club Reinforcement Ticket Group 2



Christmas: 50% Bonus CC Event

Now on: Only until 27th December!

Here is our offer:

Fill Up Amount Bonus % Total CC
$500 (50,000 CC) 50% 75,000
$300 (30,000 CC) 50% 45,000
$200 (20,000 CC) 50% 30,000
$100 (10,000 CC) 50% 15,000
$50 (5,000 CC) 40% 7,000
$30 (3,000 CC) 25% 3,750
$20 (2,000 CC) 5% 2,100

We Wish You A Wonderful Time!


There are lots of good memories just waiting to be made!

Enjoy your time with those close to you, whether they're your relatives or your friends in our community of players.


Your WEBZEN and Shot Online Christmas-Team