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2015 Enhance Box X on Sale Starting Thursday

Date Dec 10, 2015 Views 7,370
Dec 10, 2015 01:00 ~ Dec 14, 2015 01:00
Hello Shot Online Community!

Starting on Thursday 12/10/15, 
we will be having a sale on our
2015 Enhance Box X

For those that might not know,
the 2015 Enhance Box X is a combination
of some of our previous boxes put into one! 
(EXP Ball Box, Ambrosia Box, Clothes and etc!)

We will be placing the All New
Spectrum Clothes
into the 2015 Enhance Box X

There will also be an 
Open Reward Event with Item Recipe Event  
along with 2015 Enhance Box X

>> Click Here to Buy 5 Get 1 Free 2015 Enhance Box X <<

>> Click Here to Buy 1 2015 Enhance Box X <<
2015 Enhance Box IX Sales Period
Start Date: 12/10/2015 (01:00 server time)
End Date: 12/14/2015 (01:00 server time)

Item Contents for 2015 Enhance Box X
No. Name Durability
1 Atlas Ball 2PC [25%] 100
2 Atlas Ball 2PC [25%] 250
3 Atlas Ball 2PC [25%] 500
4 Atlas Ball 3PC [25%] 100
5 Atlas Ball 3PC [25%] 250
6 Atlas Ball 3PC [25%] 500
7 Atlas Ball 4PC [25%] 100
8 Atlas Ball 4PC [25%] 250
9 Atlas Ball 4PC [25%] 500
10 Clymene Ball 2PC [30%] 100
11 Clymene Ball 2PC [30%] 250
12 Clymene Ball 2PC [30%] 500
13 Clymene Ball 3PC [30%] 100
14 Clymene Ball 3PC [30%] 250
15 Clymene Ball 3PC [30%] 500
16 Clymene Ball 4PC [30%] 100
17 Clymene Ball 4PC [30%] 250
18 Clymene Ball 4PC [30%] 500
19 Metis Ball 2PC [35%] 100
20 Metis Ball 2PC [35%] 250
21 Metis Ball 2PC [35%] 500
22 Metis Ball 3PC [35%] 100
23 Metis Ball 3PC [35%] 250
24 Metis Ball 3PC [35%] 500
25 Metis Ball 4PC [35%] 100
26 Metis Ball 4PC [35%] 250
27 Metis Ball 4PC [35%] 500
28 Menoetios Ball 2PC [40%] 100
29 Menoetios Ball 2PC [40%] 250
30 Menoetios Ball 2PC [40%] 500
31 Menoetios Ball 3PC [40%] 100
32 Menoetios Ball 3PC [40%] 250
33 Menoetios Ball 3PC [40%] 500
34 Menoetios Ball 4PC [40%] 100
35 Menoetios Ball 4PC [40%] 250
36 Menoetios Ball 4PC [40%] 500
37 Ambrosia 15% 10
38 Ambrosia 15% 25
39 Ambrosia 15% 50
40 Ambrosia 20% 10
41 Ambrosia 20% 25
42 Ambrosia 20% 50
43 Ambrosia 25% 10
44 Ambrosia 25% 25
45 Ambrosia 25% 50
46 Ambrosia 30% 10
47 Ambrosia 30% 25
48 Ambrosia 30% 50
49 Ambrosia 35% 10
50 Ambrosia 35% 25
51 Ambrosia 35% 50
52 Swing Trainer 2 P [15%] 2
53 Swing Trainer 2 I [15%] 2
54 Swing Trainer 2 K [15%] 2
55 Swing Trainer 3 P [15%] 3
56 Swing Trainer 3 I [15%] 3
57 Swing Trainer 3 K [15%] 3
58 Swing Trainer 2 P [20%] 2
59 Swing Trainer 2 I [20%] 2
60 Swing Trainer 2 K [20%] 2
61 Swing Trainer 3 P [20%] 3
62 Swing Trainer 3 I [20%] 3
63 Swing Trainer 3 K [20%] 3
64 Emperor red shoes-IK 1
65 Emperor red gloves-IK 1
66 Emperor blue shoes-PI 1
67 Emperor blue gloves-PI 1
68 Emperor red shoes M-IK 1
69 Emperor red gloves M-IK 1
70 Emperor blue shoes M-PI 1
71 Emperor blue gloves M-PI 1
72 Liberty Yellow Shoes GRP - IK 1
73 Liberty Yellow Glove GRP - IK 1
74 Liberty Green Shoes GRP - PI 1
75 Liberty Green Glove GRP - PI 1
76 Liberty Yellow Glove GRP - BIK 1
77 Liberty Green Glove GRP - BPI 1
78 Spectrum Navy Shoes GRI -IK 1
79 Spectrum Brown Glove GRI -IK 1
80 Spectrum Brown Shoes GRI -PI 1
81 Spectrum Purple Glove GRI -PI 1
82 UV Spectrum Brown Shoes GRI -KI 1
83 UV Spectrum Dark-Brown Glove GRI -KI 1
84 Modern Black Shoes GRI -IK 1
85 Modern Red Navy Gloves GRI -IK 1
86 Modern Brown Shoes GRI -PI 1
87 Modern Brown Gloves GRI -PI 1
88 Modern Navy Gloves GRI -BIK 1
89 Modern Brown Gloves GRI -BPI 1
90 Catherine Caddie Contract 200 200
91 Alice Caddie Contract 200 200
92 Diana Caddie Contract 200 200
93 Yuri Caddie Contract 200 200
SET_1 Swing Trainer 3 K [15%] 3
Ambrosia 35% 10
Spectrum Navy Shoes GRI -IK 1
SET_2 Swing Trainer 2 K [20%] 2
Ambrosia 35% 25
Spectrum Brown Shoes GRI -PI 1
SET_3 Swing Trainer 3 K [20%] 3
Ambrosia 35% 50
Spectrum Purple Glove GRI -PI 1