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Collaboration Event + Anthony's Lucky Token [2H]~

Date Jul 15, 2013 Views 11,251
Jul 16, 2013 00:00 ~ Jul 28, 2013 23:59
Hello Shot Online Communtiy

We will be holding a Collaboration Event and giving out Anthony Bestra's Lucky Token [2H] 
so that players can enjoy rounding with an extra incentive during the weekdays!

Please look below for details!

Collaboration Mission Event Details

- Week 1 Event Date - 
Starting : 07/16/13,  12:00 A.M. (00:00 server time)
Ending : 07/18/13, 11:59 P.M. (23:59 server time)

- Week 2 Event Date - 
Starting : 07/23/13,  12:00 A.M. (00:00 server time)
Ending : 07/25/13, 11:59 P.M. (23:59 server time)

The Collaboration Mission Event is an event, in which the community works together to gain EXP rewards on different courses. Basically, a course will be chosen for the Missions, and a goal will be set for an amount of birdies(or better) to be gained on that course during a specific time frame. As soon as the goal is reached, the server gains extra EXP on that course until the EXP Reward Time is over.

For this event period, we have chosen 3 seperate time period to have the Missions so that as many players as possible can take part and enjoy the EXP reward! :)

*NOTICE: This event works per server, so Vallar and Hollid will have their own individual goals to achieve. 

- Mission Course - 
All Courses

- Mission Mode - 
All Game Modes

- Mission Times (Server Time) -
- 01:00 AM to 02:00 AM

- 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- 19:00 PM to 20:00 PM

- Mission Completion Reward - 
x2 EXP for 1 hour

(Remember that the EXP reward will activate as soon as the goal is reached!)

- Mission Fail Reward -
x1.5 EXP for 1 hour

**Please remember that Mission Completion Reward(x2 Bonus EXP), stacks with the Happy-Course bonus EXP**

Playing on Easy or Normal Happy-Course will get you x4 Bonus EXP for an hour after completing the mission!
Playing on Hard Happy-Course will get you x2.4 Bonus EXP for an hour after completing the mission!


Event #2

NPC Anthony Bestra's Lucky Token!

- Week 1 Event Date - 
Starting : 07/20/13,  12:00 A.M. (00:00 server time)
Ending : 07/21/13, 11:59 P.M. (23:59 server time)

- Week 2 Event Date - 
Starting : 07/27/13,  12:00 A.M. (00:00 server time)
Ending : 07/28/13, 11:59 P.M. (23:59 server time)

This event is similar to when we first released the Lucky Token item which 
Players will have to visit NPC Anthony Bestra each day to receive
Anthony Lucky Token [2H]

(Double EXP can not receive duplicated bonus with EXP event)
For those that might not know or remember,
Anthony's Lucky Token was created so that players could round with multiplied EXP rates
in the convenience of their own time and comfort.
Instead of having to wait for the specific time clock to hit
or working your schedule around the former EXP Event dates,
you can use Anthony's Lucky Token to play with a exp boost any time you want!
The item that Bestra will be giving will be character bound and players 
must use them within 24 hours of receiving it or else it ill be deleted
Only one item will be given to each User ID and this item cannot be used in combination with
EXP Events, happy course, and Master Q School Tournaments

Remember, team-work is the key to completing these missions!
Make sure that you check into Anthony Bestra before the Lucky Tokens run out!

Please let us know if you have any questions
or suggestions via DQ&A board!

Please enjoy~

Shot Online Team