here is my picture for the contest.
Enjoy SO ^^
Name: old_craig
Character The fat old man (albus) :P
Level: eighty-two (82) soon to be 83+ with my RARE D5 MAG.
HCP -25 but always improving with my sweet clubs helped bought by the outrageous amount of $$ i spend on this game ^^
Guild-The true no.1 guild in SO Demon_Drivers
Clothes are as follows from head down to feet.
Beijing cap 1 power 1 skill and +3 coolness
2nd United Cup Shirt (Blue one) 1 power and 1 impact
Red Shewoo Pants Keep me looking hot for the sexy erdas. 1 power 1 skill
Halloween Leo Glove 1 impact. gonna upgrade after i spend more $$$
Red Shewoo (my way of saying chiwoo hehe) Shoes 1 impact 1 skill
My Sticks are
Driver- Tornado TP Silver Bomber R 4 power fitted
3 wood- Hurricane 3wd R fitted 2 skill but working on getting to 8 skill with fitting tickets
5 wood- Tornado 5wd R clean
Irons- Hurricane Irons R no fits. clelic doesn``t like me lol :(
Pitching Wedge: Cyclone NR
Approach Wedge- Cyclone Nr
Sand Wedge- Werdandi SW fitted 7 impact. great for those chip ins
Putter- Lea Rose putter from salvador. cute pink color lol
Ball- Normally 2 piece Uranus +1 skill balls
AND MY RARE ITEM I AM SHOWIN OFF IS MY 70 HOLE D5 Mag. oh and my soon to be goetia plus 5. lmao
Thats really all except about 15 +2``s and 10 +4 zods in lockers hehe.
And 49 mil NG.
GL to everyone and may the biggest showoff win :)