Looking to the sea :)
with some noobie stuff (or not) :)
France United Cup Driver (French because I``m french and they are pretty rare btw) Fitted +2Power +2Skill
Hurricane Woods : 3w AND 5w both in reparable version +8 skill fitted (8/8)
Tempest Iron Reparable too +8 Skill fitted (8/8)
Tempest AW nr and Pw R with an Werdandi Sw nonfitted.
2 Iapetos Putters Non Reparable 1795 Shots left and one 2000.
1 Epimetheus Putter Nr 1576 Shots left
1 Prometheus putter 250 shots left (in locker)
1 Werdandi Putter for non xp rounds.
I like putters as it is the club I prefer IRL golf :)
Chiwoo Cap white (I love it)
Unvalentine Shirt (I``m not inlove :``( )
Players Pants Black (I love it too :) )
Caelestis Glove (I love blue) :)
Players Shoes Black (My style of shoes :) )
P.S : I``m not scared of showing my NG``s compared to others... (its because i``m poor^^)