copy and paste to answer poll Q and read my msg!
maybe read the post be4 u read this stuff. if u want..:D
so, i, MclarenF1! was playing theof1 in 18 hole mastery, 80m wager.
i``m UP by -13 to -7 and then he leaves the room.
his other SS shows he is about to leave, that box is a DHI box., tell u, "do u really want to exit?"
so.. in theof1``s rules, whoever dc``s is instant loss. i NEVER did.
theof1 dc``ed or left the room, so i continued to play the game on to finish hole 18.
although, theof1 claims he has never "not payed up"/ and that he is
a "gentleman to his arrangements"/
but... after i finish the 18, theof1 is still IN room 921, where as i am "outside" the room, still 921, (same room) but in the part where u can change the par, the sec on the clock, and course, etc etc. it makes no sence.
so after i ask for the ng he owes, he tells me I DC``ed and he is NOT going to PAY for an "unfinished game"/
that did not settle well with me.. it was a definate 80m i had won!
.. so i am posting that i DID finish and he was pming me FROM room 921 when i was out of it.. makes no sence, but either if he meant to leave or if SO did something crazy, i think he should pay me up..what do u think?.. :(
its so unfair. and the SS here, is when the game froze proves nothing really, so its just that the game was pretty much over. next SS i post will be more to the fact he left/or whatever and or SO did something funky.