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HENRYGOLAND Some guys are so frustrated on disconnection....poor Danik REPONSE

Writer danik45 Date 01/17/2010 Views 5,265
HENRYGOLAND Some guys are so frustrated on disconnection....poor Danik REPONSE
French: Salut, ce gars parle mais na€™explique pas ce qua€™il ca€™est rAⓒellement passer juste avant , ca€™est plus facile de dire na€™importe quoi, cet immoral sa€™amuse a quittAⓒ la room A¢pres 2 OB, moi et mon Partner allions putter pour eagle ,et ja€™ai dit que ja€™allai faire circuler cet info auprA¨s des autre guildes pas JL en particulier mais toute les guild, je ne trouve pas normal de quitter quand on en a envie dans ces partie ou il y a plusieurs autres personnes, en sachant que nous Aⓒtions au 18 eme holes, il avait juste a attendre 2mn et la partie Aⓒtait fini. Beaucoup da€™autre personne ma€™ont PM effectivement mais pour me dire que cette personne avait quittAⓒ avec eux aussi, ce na€™ai pas ca premiA¨re fois. Alors aprens a jouer pauvre buse (dedicace) Translate inglish Hey, this lad speaks but does not explain what he it really is to pass before, it is easier to say anything, this immoral has fun left bitter room 2 the OB, me and my Partner went putter for eagle, and I said that I went to make circulate this information with the other one guilds not JL in particular but quite guild, I do not find normal to leave when we want it in these part(party) or there are several other persons, by knowing that we were 18 st holes, it just had has to wait 2mn and the part(party) was finished. Many of the other person have me PM effectively but to say to me that this person had left with them too, have no it that first time for him.