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Great Guild Team..Grew fast and we are very nice

Writer Date 04/06/2012 Views 7,718
Great Guild Team..Grew fast and we are very nice
Tee_Up we grew almost 30 members in 4 day!! we are fast growing, more people are aplying every day,, all up to lvl 40 and less....more lower lvls appling. but they have friends who want to join and people who Tee_up is there first guild!. i asked if everone liesk it...THey said eaither ..YES!!!... or Definatly.... a new member today came and he asked some questions,, and somones friend who joined, said.. i been in here for a few days and i think it is cool! We are very nice Willing to help lower lvls..If you are needing REAL HELP! COME TO NOVICE CHANNLE STAIRS THERE IS A item give out in 40 minutes..COME NOW..And if ur not in a guild. you can apply now..if your a high lvl willing to join..and if u llike to help, you could keep guold members happy! they love love love to play with high lvls.We are a team willing to help eachother! we grew sooooooooooooooo fast lately, cause people applying, people joining and their friends wanting to join.. my opinion... WE ARE ONE OF THE FASTING GROWING GUILD WITH MEMBERS In so, And we play together, 1-2-3-4 guild games going on at 1 time, we are kinda slow atm, but lots of member all active, have not had 1 member quit for a good 1-2 months... I think we are awsome, i just wanted to say To everyone how succesfull it is going right now... i dreamed about it being this successfull!!! I like it alot....Just apply if u want help or want to be with a great team!!!!!!!!