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Tour Pro Retest Results

Date Mar 25, 2010 Views 9,554
Hello Shot Online Community,
Here are the results from the Tour Pro Restest Tournament that was held on 03/18/2010 at 00:00:00(12:00AM) - 03/24/2010 23:59:59(11:59PM).
Number of participants: 374
Number of participants passed: 256
Cut off score: -11
tomiradi -19
Hewitt -17
Paul** -17
Fishi -17
BrightEyes -17
lorenzolamas -17
Mumrah -17
rockie -16
RivrTam -16
Petr16 -16
Poofman -16
impala566 -16
Flyingdutchmen -16
Duvall -16
BrochA__Wife -16
xxSCRUBSxx -16
Junior07 -16
churuspi -16
BigBob04153 -16
Toet -16
Scheibes -16
zargy -16
Zhanna -16
LtCoolnass -15
Volvo460blc -15
steboste -15
Ffederiin -15
supergasit -15
furyo -15
Balzifer -15
Reprobate -15
Husaberg -15
DagoRay -15
ProAtze -15
SoulHunter -15
leo168 -15
_LoneWolf_ -15
karlos36 -15
Hoody -15
kulen15 -15
Sookili -15
click-click-BOOM -14
HJSimpson -14
LeftOtherCharOffline -14
Lapy -14
XXXX----XXXX -14
Raypol10 -14
yuyutin -14
Kolanos -14
magic2001 -14
EpicFail -14
JJHumppanen -14
loopydoo2 -14
krste -14
DoctorDoom -14
cujokilla99 -14
crovettopro -14
~DyHard~ -14
AXA -14
Student10 -14
munkty2 -14
tigerwilly -14
spatron -14
Nevets_420 -14
Martin-Parsons -14
EagleHope -14
BDog -14
snookyann -14
vaughan -14
stef2 -14
SirDezyne -14
ChaunceyPeppertooth -14
sks6800 -14
kosobrin -14
xXidenXx -14
ourgf -14
Scratchin_McGroin -13
KidColt -13
ShaneTheYid -13
toche1 -13
Raul7 -13
beans1 -13
Arigata -13
Wortex -13
FrazsKi -13
bmitchellwku -13
bogossss7402 -13
[)ude -13
Lady-Luck -13
chrischen -13
Fellfrosch -13
Slimeh -13
Gez122 -13
Binggo -13
FrankieB -13
FrankMad -13
gassman48 -13
Enki19840 -13
EuroTraSH -13
Dwayne07 -13
DragonArd -13
SH@NK -13
deanm4 -13
DjCoSmO -13
ItsAllOverBaby -13
deboo -13
outlawz003 -13
Sambuco -13
DonI -13
mark2744 -13
lordaniel -13
LukasH9 -13
Old-Lupo -13
Kozar -13
karim02 -13
LiquidIce -13
Mr_Dufus33 -13
Deadstroke -13
RDHacker -13
CuzICan -13
Poltroon -13
Jizzle -13
Belphegor -13
Vilkki -13
Hopalong -13
barrymcintyre -13
*MasterBears* -13
Paul08 -13
SotocXtreme -12
paC -12
mrgentleman1964 -12
HaiLong@ -12
iMuze -12
apple90 -12
Raheel -12
MrsTigerWoods -12
OursPolaire -12
Ljub4 -12
saby -12
kristof07 -12
karpik15 -12
lifelineneg -12
markthefish -12
Max61 -12
Grim1 -12
Helpme -12
reBorn-godewind -12
Indiman -12
GolferJose -12
johnny65 -12
>Jeany< -12
BOA_DPruss0 -12
Dusty -12
Doylen -12
Eishockeytiger24 -12
Gringoly -12
FloGolf -12
LittleJeany -12
holer -12
vincentwu -12
ButterPants -12
Dorain -12
DanyD -12
Chattino -12
Cheveyo -12
muggy -12
adonis159 -12
alastair1969 -12
Dave465 -12
playing4fun -12
Oda -12
asewlbus -12
topjock -12
scousemouse -12
Sgtspout -12
otodrakula -12
seka -12
Lana1 -12
stevebeal36 -12
Wimmie -12
xms3500 -12
xxAIRMAXxx -12
Raven07 -12
yann21 -12
MclarenF1! -12
yodaea -11
Golfish -11
ziggy1967 -11
Pelgrim -11
opa-zweini -11
Azzoks -11
rrfish -11
SgtMoe -11
shaneC -11
Sheeps_Doggy -11
pinkpink -11
Lord_Devil -11
OursBrun -11
pisgah2 -11
Timmyy420 -11
Axl312 -11
MadMikeGER -11
Z.Zizou -11
Pancho-Honcho -11
Alfalco -11
GammaGT -11
BTG_Tiger -11
Fred_Flintstone -11
RVP -11
crazyoldman -11
D_per -11
fastest2020 -11
fubi -11
HackandSlash -11
gersman -11
dave-55 -11
gary62 -11
FechterLocko -11
kcspeed -11
moron -11
DogsPlayingPoker -11
Andy37 -11
LittleBiggi -11
MitsosD -11
dinoooo -11
Djoeneppus -11
Drewbo -11
DeBoss -11
GoWhitey -11
kamidana -11
Chubbs- -11
kingru -11
NoLookin -11
JimmyHat -11
HmSPistolero -11
FCNthomas -11
roscopco -11
HappyValley -11
reecechappo -11
Marman -11
RikGz -11
Pupik -11
mouse200 -11
mrbuilder -11
Meikolia -11
Merano -11
Marcco -11
Haschi -11
Hogan -11
NigelQC -11
Papou -11

Number of participants:  32
Number of participants passed: 32
Cut off score: NA

helvet -16
ventus -14
SuGaR -14
subwoofer -13
Genod -12
KingSam -12
delocated -11
Shankapotamus -11
JK1971s -10
brachan -10
Tyra -9
Philo -9
Grini -9
geoffkidston -8
Junior -7
Titi -7
sandman1975 -7
siut91 -6
RogerWalters -6
Happy_Golf -6
Meisterbrau -6
GolfPro -4
CamZilla -3
Hossnugget -2
Donny -1
Kriek -1
Bagger 0
Chambahs 6
Lady_Master 7
Dane 8
On the Vallar server there were many people who tied for the 200th spot which is the cut off line. The players finished with a score of -11; all of these players were included in the results, and will be made into tour pros as well.

During server maintenance, the Tour pro status, along with the Tour Pro pants will be removed from every player; after that process is complete, the people mentioned above will have their status and pants redistributed.

Congratulations to everyone that passed, and thank you for your participation!

Those who did not make the cut, do not fear; there is a Tour Pro test coming on the last Weds. of this month (03/31/2010) so prepare yourself!

Shot-Online team